




  • Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin .

    一开始她丈夫还抱以同情,可不久就失去 耐心

  • Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear .

    穿 宽松的衣服和舒服的鞋子。

  • At last I have something respectable to wear !

    我终于可以穿上体面的 衣服了!

  • I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water .


  • She can 't make her mind up what to wear .

    她拿不定主意 穿什么。

  • You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes

    为了免受烟雾危害,你必须 护目镜和面罩。

  • He arrived on January 9 disheveled and much the worse for wear .

    他是1月9号到的, 蓬头垢面,疲惫不堪。

  • Women athletes wear cropped tops and tight shorts .

    女运动员 穿着短上衣和紧身短裤。

  • The machines start to wear down they don 't make as many nuts and bolts as they used to

    机器开始出现 磨损,螺母和螺钉的产量不如从前了。

  • It 's just a social convention that men don 't wear skirts

    男人不 穿裙子只是一种社会习俗。

  • She wore her hair in a long braid


  • Dick bought three wash and wear shirts to take on his trip .

    迪克买了3件 免烫衬衫出门旅行用。

  • The stone steps dating back to 1855 are beginning to wear

    那些可以追溯到1855年的石阶开始出现 磨损

  • Ten years on the original concept was wearing well .

    10年过去了,原先的概念仍不 过时

  • I sometimes wear contact lenses

    我有时 隐形眼镜。

  • You 'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour

    如果你选个中性颜色的帽子, 的时间会更多一些。

  • Some of Wilson 's eccentricities are beginning to wear thin .

    人们逐渐对 威尔逊的古怪行为失去了兴趣。

  • When we drove through the gates she wore a look of amazement

    我们驶过大门时,她 流露出惊讶的神情。

  • Millson 's face wore a satisfied expression .


  • He was wearing a brown uniform

    他当时 穿着褐色的制服。

  • The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear

    这家商店备有各式各样的沙滩 服装

  • I refused to wear headphones because they can perforate your eardrums .

    我不愿 耳机,因为它可能会使鼓膜穿孔。

  • Casual shoes need to wear well

    休闲鞋得 耐穿

  • Rugs in the bedrooms got much less wear .

    卧室里的小 毯子 得少多了。

  • He wore a full moustache .


  • Bring informal casual wear .

    带上休闲的 衣服

  • She may give the impression that she wears the trousers but it 's Tim who makes the final decisions .

    她让人觉得是她 当家,但实际上是蒂姆说了算。

  • What size shoes do you wear ?


  • Your horse needs new shoes if the shoe has worn thin or smooth .

    如果马掌 薄或磨平,就需要换新马掌了。

  • Wear the white dress you know the one with all the black embroidery .
