weak type

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  • Weighted Weak Type Estimates for Commutators of Fractional Integrals on Spaces of Homogeneous Type

    齐型空间上的分数次积分交换子的加权 估计

  • Boundedness of the fractional integral operator in weak type Hardy space

    分数次积分算子在 Hardy 空间中的有界性

  • It is proved that the weak type estimate is sharp .


  • Sawyer obtained a weak type double weights inequality for fractional integrals in 13 w_240 .

    Sawyer在文13w_245中得到了分数次积分的一个双权 不等式,本文第三章把E。

  • Boundedness of Multilinear Fractional Integral Operators with Variable Kernels on Weak Type Hardy Spaces

    带可变核的多线性分数次积分算子在 Hardy空间上的有界性

  • In the theory of effective market according to the reflection degree to different information material of the stock price security market is divided into weak type of effective market half strong type of effective market strong type of effective market .

    依据有效市场理论,按照股票价格对不同信息资料的反映程度,将证券市场区分为 有效市场、半强式有效市场、强式有效市场三种类型。

  • Weighted Weak Type ( 1 ) Boundedness for Some Rough Operators

    粗糙核算子的加权 1)有界

  • The author studies a very general operator which includes the known results as particular cases and proves the four-weights weak type inequality on Lorentz spaces .

    本文研究一类分数极大算子(包含一些已知的结果作为特殊情况),在Lorentz空间的四权 不等式。

  • From the conflict types the other areas all belong to integration type except Guangzhou and Zhuhai which belong to weak assimilation type .

    从冲突类型来讲,除广州和珠海属于 同化 外,其余都属于整合型。

  • In this note weighted weak type ( 1 ) boundedness with weights | x | for some rough operators are consided .

    Fefferman 奇异积分,粗糙极大算子关于权x(?)的加权 1)有界性。

  • Weak Type Estimates for Maximal Commutators of the Bochner-Riesz Operator on Herz-Type Spaces

    Bochner-Riesz算子极大交换子在Herz型空间上的 估计

  • In this paper we proved the weighted weak type inequality of the iterated Hardy-Littlewood maximal function .

    本文证明了文1w_330定义的迭代极大函数的加权 不等式。

  • The study on proportioning of weak type resin in fluidized bed with two separated compartments

    浅议双室浮动床 中弱 树脂的配用

  • Molecular Background of Weak D Type 15 as the Predominant Weak D Type Found in Chinese Population

    中国人群中发现的主要 D &弱D15 个体的分子背景研究

  • Weighted weak type inequality for a general maximal operator on Lorentz spaces

    Lorentz空间极大函数的加权 不等式

  • Weak Type Estimates for an Analytic Family of Maximal Functions Along Surfaces

    一族沿曲面的解析极大函数的 估计

  • Weak Type Inequalities for the Maximal Operator of Poisson-Hermite Integral

    Poisson-Hermite积分最大算子的 不等式

  • In this paper the mechanism of weak type resin in the fluidized bed with two separated compartments has been described The calculation of proportioning of weak type resin and several factors which are important in the proportioning have been introduced in details .

    叙述了双室浮动床 中弱 树脂的作用机理,详细介绍了配用量的计算方法以及配用中应予重视的若干问题。

  • Weak - type inequalities on U_2

    U2上的 不等式

  • Two weight reverse weak type norm inequality for the maximal function with respect to Vitali convex families

    Vitali凸集套上极大函数的反向 双权不等式

  • The engineering construction site belongs to type ⅲ site . The site soil belongs to weak soil type .

    建筑工程场地属类,场地土为 软弱类型

  • Weak Type Endpoint Estimates for the Multilinear Singular Integral Operators A boundedness is established for the multilinear singular integral operators on the homogeneous Herz space .

    多线性奇异积分算子的 端点估计对多 线性奇异积分算子在齐次Herz空间中建立了一个有界性结果。

  • The effects of different nitrogen applied amounts on quality characters of different types of wheat ( varieties ) ( strong middle and weak gluten type ) were studied .

    为了给不同类型专用小麦大面积生产提供科学的施肥依据,利用不同氮素水平进行处理,分析了氮素施用量对强筋、中筋和 筋三 类型品种品质性状的影响。

  • Discusses on Weak - Type Boundedness Properties for Some Operators

    关于一些算子 有界性的讨论

  • B ; the weighted weak type inequalities for M are obtained .

    B,并且建立了M的 加权不等式。

  • When λ > 1 the weak structures type ⅱ should be first chosen ;

    λ>1时,应选择Ⅱ,Ⅳ型岩性 结构 类型

  • The distribution of TCM syndrome types and course of disease have obvious correlation ( P0.05 ): Patients with long duration have damp-heat type and phlegm stagnation type more common than liver depression and qi stagnation type 、 liver depression and spleen weak type . 7 .

    中医证型与病程差异有统计学意义(P0.05),病程较长的患者中痰湿内蕴型、痰瘀互结型较肝郁气滞型、肝郁 脾虚 多见。

  • A weak D type 12 found in the Chinese

    在中国人群中首次发现1例Rh 血型 D12

  • Weak type estimate for commutators on weighted herz-type Hardy Spaces

    加权Herz型Hardy空间上的交换子的 估计