wave motion

[wev ˈmoʃən][weiv ˈməuʃən]


  • The underwater acoustic signal can cause surface wave motion at water-air interface and modulate the magnitude of the laser beam falling on the water surface .

    水下声信号在水-空气界面会引起表面 波动而对打在水表面处的激光束进行幅度调制。

  • Stress-Type Time-Domain Artificial Boundary Condition for Finite-Element Simulation of Near-Field Wave Motion and Its Engineering Application

    近场 波动有限元模拟的应力型时域人工边界条件及其应用

  • A1D finite element method in time domain is developed which is used to calculate the in-plane wave motion of free field in elastic layered semispace by oblique seismic incidence .

    提出了一种弹性水平成层半空间中平面内 波动斜入射时自由 场时域计算的一维化有限元方法。

  • In this book he also gives a mathematical treatment of wave motion which has proved essential in modern physics .

    在这本书中,他还精确地描述 波动;这在现代物理中极为重要。

  • Numerical test study about the stability and precision of the method is made by discussing the solution of SH wave motion .

    对采用该方法求解点源出平面 波动问题时的数值稳定性和精度进行了数值试验研究。

  • The harmonic analysis can reveal the characteristics of wave motion in various scales at different latitudes .

    谐谱分析便于揭示不同纬圈上不同尺度的 波动特征。

  • Leave of course sell the minimum price that give around clinch a deal more easily appear the price that small wave motion inputs to you .

    当然离“卖出的最低价四周”更轻易成交,出现小小的 波动就到你输入的价格了。

  • Finally the method of wave motion input is established .

    最后,建立了相应的 波动输入方法。

  • Lie amid the surface with wave crystalline light is mirroring the picturesque scenery outside the window the wave motion that is a leaf also can be taken directly by sunshine beside .

    躺在其中,波光粼粼的水面倒映着窗外如画的风景,就算是一片叶的 波动也会被阳光直接带到身边。

  • Wave motion method is used to calculate the seismic response of bridges in seasonal frozen or permafrost regions .

    采用 波动法对季节性冻土区和多年冻土区的桥梁结构进行了地震反应分析。

  • The stock of the Bank of China is very good still bank there won 't be too big wave motion inside a paragraph of period !

    中国银行的股票还是很好的,银行股在一段时期内都不会有太大的 波动

  • Wave motion response of tunnel lining embedded in unbounded nonuniform soil medium is studied .

    研究了不均匀岩土介质中隧洞衬砌的 波动响应。

  • This phenomenon peculiar to the two-dimensional wave motion is sometimes called diffusion .

    二维 所特有的这种现象,有时叫做弥散现象。

  • A cork bobbing on water as waver pass by is not swept along with the water . Rather it moves up and down with the wave motion .

    一块在水面上浮动的软木,并未因波的经过被水带走,只是随 上下 移动

  • But do not stop treatment casually eat eat stop make blood pressure wave motion appears even instead blood stream of head of bounce phenomenon influence .

    但不要随便停止治疗,吃吃停停,反而使血压 波动甚至出现反跳现象影响脑血流。

  • Research for Adaptive Predictive Control Model of Wave Motion Compensating Platform

    波浪 运动补偿平台的自适应预报控制模型研究

  • An explicit method for numerical simulation of wave motion & 1-d wave motion


  • For example a deep understanding of Fourier analysis or wavelet can give much different understanding of wave motion or technique of imaging .

    举例而言,对付立叶分析的理解越深入,我们就更能理解 运动及图像的技巧。

  • Can their price be in in that way like card of action travel authority finally two weeks trade does mate wave motion appear in time ?

    它们的价格会不会象招行权证那样在最后两周的交易时间里出现大副 波动

  • Detecting Method of Tube Defect Based on the Wave Motion Theory

    基于 波动理论的管结构损伤检测方法

  • The group velocity ( U ) corresponds to the net result from the addition of all elements with different periods and different velocities within the wave motion .

    而群速度(U)符合于 波动的不同周期,不同速度的各种因素叠加的净结果。

  • This paper studies self-focusing optical fiber by wave motion optical method .

    本文采用 波动光学的方法研究自聚焦光纤,导出了TE。

  • The theory of waves propagation in inhomogeneous damaged zone and inversion of wave motion equations are studied .

    研究了波在非均匀损伤介质中的传播及 波动方程的反演。

  • This paper discusses the conditions under which the dispersion problem of the3-D wave motion simplified to the problem of the1-D stereotype wave firstly .

    本文首先讨论了将直管中三维频散 问题简化为一维定型波问题的条件。

  • The simplest form of wave motion consists of the combination of a transverse simple harmonic vibration and a uniform translation .

    波动的最简单形式是横向简谐振动和匀速直线 运动的组合。

  • Real time prediction for generalized heave displacement of a wave motion compensating platform

    波浪 运动补偿平台广义升沉位移的实时预报

  • According to the many sided on the market understands now except Tang Shan price of pink of area iron essence appears outside small wave motion other area was not affected almost .

    据今日市场上多方面了解,除唐山地区铁精粉价格出现小幅 波动外,其他地区几乎未受到影响。

  • The wave motion bears the Key signature imparted by the nature and extent of the source . The Dynamic Action of Coupled Waves in Lossy Nonlinear Medium
