


  • Since conventional three-stage low-frequency square-wave electronic ballasts often have problem in starting up low wattage MH lamps instantly and smoothly this paper presents some optimized control circuits for DC / DC stage Inverter and Igniter respectively .

    针对传统的三级低频方波电子镇流器驱动小 功率金卤灯 无法启动 或者反复启动的问题进行了研究,并对DC/DC级,DC/AC级和点火电路进行了相应的控制电路优化设计。

  • Objective : To investigate the uterus tissue electrothermal effect degrees at differ wattage of each electrode during hysteroscopic operation .

    目的探讨宫腔镜手术中各种电极在不同 功率下对子宫组织电热损伤程度。

  • The test lamp shall be the highest wattage lamp of any type that can be installed in the luminaire .

    测试用的电灯须是可以装在灯具上的任何一种中 最高的灯。

  • When calculating the wattage capabilities of a Element the unit of watts output per unit of radiating surface area is used .

    当计算其 能量时,要用到每单元辐射面积的输出功率。

  • The good news is that innovation isn 't purely a function of brain wattage and fat research budgets says Gibson .

    Gibson说好在创新并不是单纯靠 脑力或大量研究投入。

  • The characters of high wattage MH lamp the operating principles of digital electronic ballast built with MCU and the advantages as well as disadvantages compared with the electromagnetic ballast are presented firstly .

    本文首先对大 功率金属卤化物灯作了简单的介绍,阐述了以单片机为核心的数字化电子镇流器的工作原理并与传统电感镇流器进行了比较,并介绍了国内外的研究现状。

  • Don 't place high wattage security lights near the thatch .

    不要在靠近茅草屋顶的地方 安装 高瓦 灯泡。

  • The type and wattage of lamp or lamps specified by the manufacturer shall be used for test purposes .

    由生产厂家确定的灯泡或灯泡组类型与 功率在实验中要运用。

  • They are not sized to a specific wattage output like metallic heating elements .

    这种 碳棒 不同于金属加热元件,没有 固定的输出 功率

  • High wattage metal halide lamps are widely used in gyms plant workshops and other large-scale lighting places .


  • Ideally we would have all of our computers running low wattage processors ( 35W versus 65W or 95W ) .

    理想情况下,我们应该让所有计算机都使用低 功率处理器(35W到65W或95W)。

  • The maximum wattage and rated voltage are shown on the heater data plate .

    在热水器的规格面板上, 标注 最大 功率 和额定电压。

  • A low wattage fluorescent tube should be used as a light source although this is not strictly necessary .

    为了便于 观察可以 提供一个低 的灯源,当然这不是必要的。

  • Student : what wattage of laser would actually damage a camera ?

    学生:,多 瓦特的激光实际上才能损坏一部相机?

  • Remember these wattage values are finishing averages .

    请记住,这些 功率值是整理平均数。

  • Analysis and research of digital electronic ballast for high wattage MH lamp are presented in this paper .

    本文对数字化大 功率金属卤化物灯电子镇流器进行了较为 深入的分析和研究。

  • Only Carlos Ghosn he of the two-continent Renault-Nissan alliance has the wattage and the willpower for global star power .

    只有卡洛斯•戈恩,作为横跨两个大洲的汽车联盟雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)的掌门人,拥有成为国际名人的 气场和毅力。

  • Replacement heating elements must be of the same style and voltage / wattage rating as the ones presently in the water heater .

    必须采用与本热水器额定电压/ 相同、式相同的加热元件进行更换。

  • For sheer Frankenstein wattage the purposeful creation of these animal monsters has no equal .

    这样有目的地 造出这些怪兽真是前所未有,只有 弗兰肯斯坦可与之比肩。

  • Due to current concepts of environmental conservation and energy shortage we sell all kinds of LED lighting products with high wattage high lightness and high quality .

    本公司光新科技公司销售一 系列 高瓦 ,高亮度及高品质的各种LED照明灯产品。

  • The spotlight though seemingly less wattage but they are a little light on the accumulation of heat high temperature short time over time easily cause a fire .

    这些射灯虽然看似 少,但它们在小小的灯具上积聚热量大,短时间内即产生高温,时间一长易引发火灾。

  • Bulbs with a higher wattage may cause damage to the bulb housing !

    灯泡 功率 过高,会损坏灯泡壳!

  • Single phase constant wattage heating cable is applied in freezing prevention and temperature maintenance of pipeline instrument and valve .

    单相恒 功率电热带主要用于各种管道、仪表、罐体的防冻、保温, 最高维持温度 150

  • Use the correct voltage electrical equipment and correct wattage light bulb for all light fittings .

    使用正确电压之电器产品;及于灯具装置 上装上正确 负荷灯泡。

  • You should make sure that the bulb is of the same wattage as the original because a higher wattage may increase the risk of fire .

    你应该确保灯泡相同的 功率作为最初的,因为可以增加一个更高的功率可能引起火灾。

  • This high power LED can combine numerous warm white red green and blue chips into a single package and also have the ability to have high lumen output with lower wattage .

    大黄蜂系列为结合暖白、红光、绿光、以及蓝光四色合一高功率封装 产品提供需求 更好 光效果 灯具应用,并能创造低 数高亮度输出的优越特性。

  • The Light Up The World Foundation works to provide inexpensive near permanent electric lighting to developing countries by taking advantage of high wattage LED technology .

    点燃世界基金会通过利用 高瓦特 发光 二极 (LED)技术,为发展中国家提供便宜和近乎永久的电力照明。