wavy flow

[ˈwevi flo][ˈweɪvi: fləu]


  • The sheared wavy liquid films as an important flow have notably different hydrodynamics and flow stability under interfacial shear stress from those of free falling liquid films .

    剪切 波状液膜作为一种重要的液膜 流动形式,因受界面剪切力的影响,其水动力学特性和流动稳定特征与自由降膜流动明显不同。

  • It is important to obtain the wavy film flow solution for the purpose of heat and mass transfer calculations .

    为了计算 波动 膜传热传质,求解得到 波动解是非常重要的。

  • Heat Transfer Enhancement inside Converging-Diverging Wavy Channel by Pulsating Flow

    渐扩渐缩 波纹通道内脉动 的传热强化

  • The results suggest that the intrinsic and induced flows are modified each other when the travelling wavy wall is utilized to modulate the near-wall turbulent flow .

    结果表明,当此类 波动壁面被用来调制近壁流动时,固有的湍流 流场和诱导流场会各自发生 变化

  • Because inner flow field of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchanger is complicated experimental results are restricted to the analysis of the overall heat transfer characteristics and the analysis of inner flow field is limited .

    由于 波纹翅片管换热器内部流场复杂,使得实验结果局限于整体换热特性的分析,换热器内部的 流场分析受到限制。

  • Experimental Investigation on Drag Reduction of Wavy Cylinder in Cross Flow

    波状圆柱绕 减阻的实验研究

  • Under the unstable boiling mode flow patterns were complicated . Wavy flow annular flow and mist flow were observed in the microchannels with the phase shifts of 0 and π / 4 .

    不稳定沸腾模式下相位差为0和π/4的微通道内可以观测到 波状 、环状流、雾状流,并存在大量的返流现象。

  • As a kind of new discovered flow phenomena the vortex wave flow causes a strong wavy flow and impressive convective mixture in relatively wider channels which enhances the mass transfer at low-Reynolds-number .

    涡旋波流动作为一种特殊的流动现象,可以使 流体在相对较宽的槽道中产生较强的 波动和对流混合,从而在小Re数条件下起到强化传质的效果。

  • Chaotic Dispersion Prediction of Wavy Taylor-vortex Flow with Eulerian Symmetry Measures

    欧拉对称量预测 波动Taylor 涡流的紊态弥散

  • To study the turbulent flow in a channel with wavy wall and its disturbance field the simultaneous iteration approach for N-S equations is applied to the turbulent flow .

    为了研究 波形壁湍流及由 波形壁引起的扰动场,本文将N-S方程的联立解法应用于 湍流

  • A numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer was conducted for a wavy entire duct of primary surface recuperator ( PSR ) . The results of three-dimensional numerical predictions were obtained based on the laminar flow assumptions and compared with the literature data by empirical calculations .

    基于 层流假设,对微型燃机一次表面回热器(PSR) 波纹 全程通道的换热特性和压力损失进行了三维数值模拟计算,并将模拟结果与经验公式计算结果进行了比较。

  • The surfactant has obvious effect on the transition from stratified wavy flow to annular flow .

    结果表明,表面活性剂的添加明显影响 波状分层 流向环状流型的转换;

  • A numerical method has been adopted to solve the periodic wavy film flow equation in this study .

    本文采用数值方法求解周期性 波动方程。

  • The results show that the wavy interface and vortex street are caused by the velocity distribution of shear flow and periodic disturbance at the interface .

    研究表明 波状界面和涡街是由界面处的剪力 速度分布和周期性扰动所造成的。

  • The identification accuracy is shown as follows : bubbly flow is 93.3 % plug flow is 85.3 % stratified or wavy flow is 97.3 % slug flow is 98.6 % and annular flow is 92.7 % .

    识别准确率如下:气泡流为93.3%,塞状流为85.3%,分层 97.3%,弹状流为98.6%,雾环状流为92.7%;

  • Hydrodynamic forces acting on a circular cylinder near a wavy boundary in steady flow

    定常 作用于 波浪 边界附近的圆柱上的水动力

  • Simulating results show that laminar turbulent and wavy flow states are simultaneously subsisting in the evaporating liquid thin-film and turbulence appears in the arched wave before wipers .

    模拟结果表明,蒸发液膜呈现层流、湍流、 波动 等复杂 流动形态,湍流主要出现在刮膜器前的弓形波内。

  • Investigation of characteristics of fluid field over wavy beds under oscillatory flow

    振荡 作用下 波状 床上流场特性的实验研究