weak contact

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[医] 弱接触

  • Te relation between the weak solution and classical solution of two dimension elastic contact problem with friction were studied and equivalence under a certain condition were given .

    研究二维摩擦 接触问题的 解与古典解的关系,给出满足一定条件下的等价性证明。

  • The Weak Solution and Classical Solution of Two Dimension Elastic Contact Problem with Friction

    二维弹性摩擦 接触问题的 解和古典解

  • On the aspect of the classification of states first we study some properties of weak recurrence and the contact between recurrent and properly essential in skew product Markov chains .

    在状态分类方面我们首先给出了绕积马氏链中强 返与正则本质之间的 关系 常返的一些性质;

  • ⅲ - nitrides are polar semiconductor with low density of surface states so that the Fermi level pinning is rather weak and the surface treatments have obvious influence on contact characteristics .

    氮化物半导体是一种极性材料,表面态密度较低,费米能级钉扎效应 较弱,表面处理能显著影响 接触特性。

  • Study of FEM for the rock mass with the weak layer and the friction contact problems with initial gaps

    本文对含有 软弱夹层或结构面的岩体和带初间隙的摩擦 接触问题的有限元分析方法进行了研究

  • The observed oxide scale at the interface between metallic substrate and anode and the weak bonding between the electrolyte and the cathode may be responsible for the high contact resistances . These observations also validate the presented equivalent circuit model .

    试验观测到的金属支撑体/阳极界面氧化物薄膜以及电解质/阴极界面 的结合力可能对高的 接触电阻负责,此观测结果也验证了本文提出等价电路模型的有效性。

  • It is not easy for shock tube experiments to detect very weak contact discontinuities when studying the Mach reflection occurred after a weak shock colliding on a symmetric wedge also difficult to catch the transition condition between Mach reflection and regular reflection .

    在研究弱入射激波遇到对称楔以后的马赫反射现象时,激波管实验不易测出很 接触间断,也不易捕捉到马赫反射与正规反射转换的条件。

  • Chapter six approaches the strong elements and weak elements of language as well as the contact of Mandarin and dialect to a certain degree .

    第六章对语言的强势成分与 弱势成分,普通话与方言的 接触进行了一定的探讨。

  • The results showed that the amplitude and the frequency of a continuing system natural oscillation frequency with the same or similar single periodic disturbance can lead to continued weak damping power system oscillations contact line .

    研究表明,具有持续振幅且频率与系统固有振荡频率相同或相近的周期性扰动可引发 阻尼系统 联络线上持续的功率振荡。

  • By contrast weak ties between one social cluster and another are valuable precisely because the social contact is unusual .

    与此形成反差的是,不同社会群体之间的 纽带有价值,正是因为这样的社会 联系不寻常。

  • Latex industrial gloves apply only to weak acid concentration is not high sulfuric acid and various salts have no contact with strong oxidizing acids ( nitric acid etc. ) .

    乳胶工业手套只适用于 弱酸,浓度不高的硫酸和各种盐类,不得 接触强氧化酸(硝酸等)。

  • Equally important is to identify the very weak contact discontinuity and the reflected wave by taking advantage of the behavior of the scheme viscosity and the resulted very small entropy peak .

    另一方面根据格式粘性的特性和它引出的很微小的熵的变化规律来显示很 接触间断和反射激波。