welcome rain

[ˈwɛlkəm ren][ˈwelkəm rein]

[经] 即时雨

  • Yet I welcome the rain .

    但是,我,却偏偏 期待 雨天

  • Welcome to share with us the spring rain statements about .

    欢迎和我们分享春天关于 的感言。

  • This most recent spell of welcome rain is expected to benefit crops growing around Beijing .

    最近一阵 欢迎 预期对北京周围生长的农作物有好处。

  • This part of the country might actually welcome a little rain in September just to forestall the possibility of wildfires .

    太平洋温暖得可以 畅游其间,事实上这地区需要一些 雨水以防止发生野火。