
[hwju, hwu, hwju][hwju:]



  • Whew ! That big palooka can 't follow me in here !


  • Whew ! Now the conversation 's starting to roll !


  • Whew ! What 's going on there ?


  • You were just in time . Whew ! What a close call

    你可真及时。 ,真是 好险呢!

  • But before you can say Whew you learn the bad news : Your salary is being reduced .

    但是在你 口气之前,你 马上听到了不好的消息:你减薪了。

  • Whew I is bushed . thought I 'll relax and had some coffee .


  • Your are now offically an egg man whew .

    现在你就是完全官方的“ 鸡蛋了。

  • Whew that just seems like a lot huh ?


  • Whew ! I am just in time .


  • Whew that piano was heavy ! It took eight of us to move it to the next room .

    ,那架钢琴真重!我们八个 人才把它抬到隔壁房间。

  • Whew all that laughing wiped me out .


  • But if you woulda seen the kettle drums on this girl mr gudge whew !


  • Whew ! okay LG don 't I say I never gave you anything .


  • Whew ! That car was going fast .

    !那辆汽车 真快!

  • ' Whew ' he said . ' It 's hot . '


  • If you regard it as a responsibility to others you may say whew !

    但如果你把 CEO视为对其他人的责任,都能够你 离开 时候,你可能会说:“ !”

  • Whew ! I almost fall down .


  • Jim : I 'm saying that was a really good workout just now . Whew !


  • Whew ! I am glad that 's over with !


  • Whatever it is whew ? It stinks .


  • Whew ! It 's nice to have that over with .


  • Whew ! That be close . I almost miss my stop .

    哎呀!好险。我差一 就坐过了站。

  • This morning on my way to work a deer jumped out right in front of my car . I missed it by a hair whew !

    今天早上在上班路上,一只鹿突然窜到我的车前,我差一 点点上了,

  • Whew !( See if you can keep the keys . )


  • Whew ! We 've added a contact to our Address Book application and seen some of the work done behind the scenes using JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object .

    好了,我们已经将一个联系人添加到 AddressBook应用程序中,并且看到了JavaScript和XMLHttpRequest对象在幕后完成的一些工作。

  • Whew ! By currying the first two closure parameters you can effectively deliver a new closure that is the combination of the effects of these two .

    哦,只对前两个闭包参数进行了 curry处理,就有效地形成了一个组合了这两个闭包的效果的新闭包。

  • ' Whew ! What is that terrible smell ? ' she cried .


  • Sports date came and he was the champion for C group boys for running . Whew ! Wow !

    体育竞赛的时刻到来了,他获得了C组 男生的冠军!

  • Whew ! it 's finally over ! but as it turn out we still had not decide anything !


  • Whew ! I 'm glad that 's over with !
