weld deposit

[wɛld dɪˈpɑzɪt][weld diˈpɔzit]


  • Study of the Lathe Tools and Cutting Characteristic for Weld Deposit Metal on the Valve in the Diesel Engine

    柴油机气门 堆焊 的性能和车削刀具研究

  • The weld penetration deposit area and the cross section area of the welds at different process conditions are measured .

    对不同工艺条件下的Vee接头试件的 尺寸、熔 面积和 焊缝横断面积进行了测量。

  • Study on Weld Deposit and Thin Twin Wires Three Arc Welding

    细双丝三弧焊接及 堆焊的研究

  • Based on a lot of experiments and the data of weld width of TIG deposit surfacing influencing parameters of weld width and the criterial welding measure during TIG deposit surfacing are advanced .

    在大量试验的基础上,对TIG熔 堆焊 焊缝宽度进行数据分析,得出了在TIG熔敷堆焊情况下焊缝宽度的影响参数,提出了关于TIG熔敷堆焊焊接的规范措施。

  • The paper researches the relation of parameters and weld width of TIG deposit surfacing used in rapid prototyping .

    研究了用于快速成形的TIG熔 堆焊工艺中各参数与 焊缝宽度的关系。

  • The Influence of Carbon Content on the Hardness and Microstructure of Layer on Weld Deposit Rob with Multi-elements Alloying System

    碳含量对多元合金系 堆焊焊条堆焊层硬度的影响

  • Abstract On second time overall inspection of the interior and exterior of the reactor it was found that cracks apear on the surface of weld deposit layer large area of the deposit layer are stripped and cracks appear on the 18-8 flange seal groove of reactor outlet .

    反应器的第二次内外部全面检验,发现了堆焊层表面裂纹、 堆焊层的大面积剥离、反应器出口18-8法兰密封槽裂纹。

  • The mechanical properties of the weld deposit shall not lie appreciably above those of the base metal .


  • From the result of experiment the vision sensor system get the image that can reflect the weld track of TIG Deposit surfacing welding clearly .

    从实验结果来看视觉传感系统所得到的图像能够清晰反映出TIG熔 堆焊的 焊接轨迹。

  • The properties in weld deposit metal and Heat Affected Zone are strictly homogeneous with the base metal .

    焊接性能和热影响区金属 矿床严格均匀与金属基材。