wheel gate

[hwil ɡet][hwi:l ɡeit]

[机] 轮形进模口

  • Calculation of the load on fixed wheel of multiple main beam & multiple fixed wheel plane gate

    多主梁多定 平面 闸门定轮载荷计算

  • Fundamental characteristics of spherical bearing and ability of auto-correcting angular deviation of fixed wheel of plane sluice gate

    球面滑动轴承基本特性与水工 闸门自动纠偏

  • The extra large exterior side mirrors are a necessity as the spare wheel is mounted on the rear tail gate reducing the view rearwards when using the rear view mirror .

    特大型外墙的侧后视镜是一种必要的备用 轮胎被安装在车尾尾 ,减少认为后面当使用后视镜。

  • It describes testing principle method of wheel type probe automatic ultrasonic test on welded to ERW pipe and its probe layout and echo selection gate set up comparing test sample preparing and man made defects selection method .

    主要介绍了ERW钢管焊缝 轮式探头自动超声波检测原理、方法及其探头的布置与声程选择、 闸门的设置与调节、对比试块制作与人工缺陷选择方法。

  • The validity of the results is verified by the structural experiment of the roller wheel support which used in Sanxia project 's anchor gate .

    运用三峡水利枢纽高压 闸门 滚轮支承结构试验结果对分析的正确性进行了验证。

  • This paper introduces the study function and structure of the gate and presents the design demands and precedures of the gate . Finally the CAD software for design of the rolling wheel and connecting rod self-turning gate is developed for extension and application of the gate .

    该文对此类闸门的研究情况、功能构造作了介绍,并列出了设计要求和步骤,还编制出设计 滚轮连杆 闸门CAD软件,以便推广应用。

  • Study on the Rolling Wheel and Connecting Rod Self-Turning Gate

    滚轮连杆式自翻 闸门的研究

  • 3D-FEM analysis of Hengren fixed wheel plane gate

    恒仁高孔平面定 闸门三维有限元分析

  • The Cause and Treatment for the Corrosion of Burden Wheel Shaft of Overflow Gate

    溢流 闸门承重 轮轴锈蚀原因及处理

  • The work characteristic of Hengren higher hole fixed wheel plane gate is analyzed in this paper .

    分析了恒仁高孔平面定 闸门的工作特点;