


  • Some went ahead of the caravan and came upon the whatnot tree .

    走到商队前面的人先到了 无名树下。

  • That came from seeing people undersell his abilities and calling him vastly overrated and whatnot .

    但是可以看看人们已经在看低他的能力或者称他为高估的 球员

  • Men around her pull on futuristic trousers with zips and whatnot .

    她周围的人裤子拉链拉上未来 等等

  • Have times when you turn off your devices and your email notifications and whatnot .

    享受关掉你的设备、邮件通知和 其他 东西的时间。

  • Let 's meet on Friday night and we can get dinner and whatnot .

    我们周五晚上见吧,可以吃个 什么的。

  • But if you start seeing with your ears and whatnot .

    但是如果你开始用耳朵看 东西

  • I like to read books on different topics-medicine energy arts and whatnot .

    我喜欢看各种不同科目的书,像医学、能源、艺术 等等

  • Just remember to not break the policy of the work branch ( unit tests pass and whatnot ) .

    要记得不要违反工作分支的方针(通过单元测试 等等)。

  • They 're GNG down to a.c.to party and gamble and whatnot .

    他们去亚特兰大的一个聚会上 赌博

  • Reduces swelling helps relieve sore muscles and whatnot .

    消肿,减轻肌肉疼痛, 诸如此类

  • And get some extra wire and tools and whatnot .

    去取些铁丝和工具 之类的。

  • She has to deal with the various taxes and whatnot .

    她必须处理各种税务 之类的问题。

  • Many of the thousands of speakers chargers and whatnot sold for the iPod and iPhone are designed to have the device slot directly into the accessory .

    因为,为iPod和iPhone设计的各式各样的扬声器、充电器以及 其他 知名的配件都是直接插到设备接口上。

  • City got on him about fraud and whatnot .

    政府发现他有诈欺什么的 前科

  • Anyhow she paints pictures of IittIe animais and whatnot .

    反正她划一些小动物 之类的。

  • I love the kidney with its painful gallstones its gravel and whatnot ;

    我爱生着引起痛苦的的结石、肾砂和 诸如此类 东西的肾脏;

  • So you might have chosen a different sentence or whatnot but that 's fine .

    所以你们可能选择了一个不同的语句,或 其它 东西,但是那挺好的。

  • Bringing up the drugs from South America and whatnot .

    南美带来了毒品 什么的。

  • But unlike a mango the whatnot fruit is a deadly poison !

    然而它又不象芒果, 无名 的果实 含有致命的毒素!

  • It turns out not but it does evince the fact that we have some basic syntax like mathematics and equal signs and whatnot with which we can now start using for more useful purposes .

    结果不是那样的,但这的确有个事实,我们有些基本的运算法则和 等号和, 其他一些东西,用来为我们一些,更多有用的目的而服务的。

  • Are you touching it and whatnot ?

    你碰过它 或者 怎么地?

  • At dawn the next morning the villagers ran towards the whatnot tree .

    第二天早晨天刚破晓村民就向 无名树跑来。

  • That 'll leave you a bit of time so that you can get the table set and whatnot .

    那会给你剩一点时间,这样你就可以做摆桌子 之类 事情

  • He 's into karma and whatnot .

    他深陷于因果报应和 不可名状

  • Secondly having a company ( Castle Stronghold ) is great-you can set different directions invest time money and whatnot on what you think is best you can see things flourishing ( or not ) .

    第二,有一家自己的公司(Castle Stronghold)很不错&你可以确立不同的方向,投入时间、金钱或者不管什么东西,只要你觉得合适。可以看到公司蒸蒸日上(或者相反)。

  • They were all hungry and the whatnot fruits looked like delicious ripe mangoes .

    他们都很饿了, 无名 的果实看起来象熟了的芒果那么美味。

  • The women were there in their jeans and T-shirts and overalls and whatnot

    女人们穿着牛仔裤、T恤、工装裤 等等 衣服在那个 地方

  • We got ourselves together and went over to see the families and whatnot .

    我们聚到了一起,去探望那些家庭 什么的。

  • In the past when caravans had come to the whatnot tree the people had eaten its poisonous fruits and died in their sleep during the night .

    在过去,当商队来到这棵 无名树下,那些吃了这毒果的人都会在晚上的睡梦中死去。