
[hwɪf, wɪf][wɪf]




  • I caught a whiff of cigar smoke when I entered his room .

    当进入他的房间时我闻到一 雪茄烟。

  • Huawei can make similar pledges but the whiff of the state in its background overwhelms its words .

    华为可以做出类似的承诺,但其背景中的政府 身影压倒了它的表态。

  • Something good must be cooking ; I get a whiff of it .

    一定在做什麽好菜,我 闻到 味道了。

  • A whiff of fresh air cleared his head .

    了一 新鲜空气后头脑清醒了。

  • THANKSGIVING Day usually awakes me with a whiff of garlic and butter from my mom 's frying pan .

    感恩节那天,我总是被妈妈 煎锅中飘出来的大蒜和黄油的 气味唤醒。

  • When your nose catches a whiff of something one of1 different types of odour-receiving cells picks it up .

    鼻子中有一千种不同的气味感受细胞,当我们用鼻子吸入某些 味道时,其中一种气味感受细胞就会快速识别这种味道。

  • All things are relative but I get a distinct whiff of the old feelings .

    一切情感都是相对的,但我开始 感到 来自昔日感情的 一阵 遥远 清风

  • Every time I come near them I get a whiff of their cologne .

    每次走近,我就能 闻到男士香水的 味道

  • A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds .

    乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去 知觉

  • The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity .

    这个电视节目有些 伪善和夸耀的嫌疑。

  • The instruction carried a whiff of revenge : This is what you wanted .

    里面 带有 一丝报复的 意味好像在说:当初你自己想要做这份工作的。

  • A whiff of gas will quickly put you off .

    麻醉气体马上就会进入 麻醉 状态

  • You get a whiff of him ? Like schnapps .

    闻到他的 味道么?像烧酒。

  • He caught a whiff of perfume as he leaned towards her .

    他倚向她时闻到 香水味。

  • My fingers are extra fishy today if you care to take a whiff .

    我的手指今天特别腥,不知道你想不想 一下

  • But I was here before the other news crews even got a whiff of it .

    但我在别人 闻到味儿之前就到了。

  • When she came down he caught a fresh whiff of a fragrance he had not smelled a moment ago and noted that she not only had changed her clothes but had also put on some makeup .

    她一下来,鸿 闻着刚才没 闻到的香味,发现她不但换了衣服,并且脸上唇上都加了修饰。

  • Adam caught a whiff of expensive perfume as she passed by .

    她经过的时候,亚当闻到一 高级香水的 味道

  • He caught a whiff of her perfume .

    他闻到了她身上的 香水味。

  • Not a whiff of scandal has ever tainted his private life

    他的私生活没有爆出过 一丁点儿的丑闻。

  • In some corners of the commercial-property market a slight whiff of self-congratulation is in the air .

    在商业地产市场的某些角落里,空气中漂浮着 一丝自得的 气息

  • There the wind carried a whiff from the cheeses full on to our steed .

    风把一 股子奶酪的气味 吹向我们的骏马。

  • The thought of this and a whiff of sugary warmth from the coffee ring cheered him .

    想到这个,加上面包圈的 一阵甜甜的 馨香,使他又欢悦了起来。

  • I caught a whiff of alcohol on his breath as he walked by .

    他走过去的时候我闻到一 酒味

  • The whiff of pigs being slaughtered hangs over those parts not covered by the aroma of coffee being processed .

    在没有被正在加工的咖啡香气所覆盖的区域,飘荡着被屠宰的猪的 气息

  • Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly .

    记者抓到了丑闻的一 线索,于是对这个女演员 穷追不舍

  • Although you wear some cologne I can still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you .

    虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是能隐约闻到一 人渣 味儿

  • Silver took a whiff or two of his pipe with great composure and then ran on again .

    西尔弗不动声色地吸了一两 后又 了起来。

  • Her writings perhaps give us a dark picture of life but she is no pessimist since in pessimism there is generally a whiff of self-pity and a tacit plea .

    她的作品,也许给了我们一幅黑暗的人生图画,但她并不是一个消极主义者,因为,在消极主义中通常有一种 自怜的情调和无言的辩白;