
[ˈhwɪni, ˈwɪni][ˈwɪni]



  • Jack saw a campfire at the bottom of the slope . He saw the horses gathered in a dark clump . One let out a loud whinny .

    杰克也看见在斜坡的下面有篝火,他看见马群聚集在一片黑暗的 树林

  • But Strawberry the horse shook his head gave a cheerful whinny and seemed to feel better .

    但“草莓”,那匹马,却摇摇头,快活地 低低 嘶叫了一 ,似乎觉得奸些了。

  • To utter the characteristic sound of a horse ; whinny .

    马嘶马发出特有的声音; 发出 马嘶

  • The boundless night remains my form to accompany that fly alone whinny to turn on lathe falls

    茫茫的夜里 剩我的身影伴着那飞花 萧萧

  • 10th Meng Xiangbin The wind whinny the river water is cold the brave soldier never to returns .


  • The girl 's horse whinnied .
