


  • The weak-eyed young man himself had once consulted him in reference to a little breakage of glass and china .

    那位 弱视的年轻人本人有一次由于打破玻璃与瓷器,也曾去跟他商量过。

  • Before the weak-eyed young man performed on the gong next morning he came upstairs to Paul and told him he was to lie still which Paul very gladly did .

    第二天早上, 那位 弱视的年轻人在敲锣之前上楼来告诉保罗,他还是在 上躺着, 不用 起来,保罗很高兴地 依照他的 做了。

  • Briggs was in his bed too and Paul in his bed too before the weak-eyed young man appeared to take away the candle when he wished them good-night and pleasant dreams .

    那位 弱视的年轻人进来拿走蜡烛,并祝他们 安和 个快乐的梦的时候,布里格斯也已经在床上了,保罗也一样 已经躺在床上了。