


  • A Microanalysis of the Predicament of Patterned Teaching and Its Way-out

    走出模式教学 困境的微观分析

  • The Way-out could be to exceed the durance from the simple thinking paradigm such as dualism and linearity .

    根本 出路 在于超越二元论、线性因果论等简单思维范式的禁锢。

  • Both in legal theoretical and judicial practical areas loopholes in law must be paid fully attention and need to find a way-out . As a complementary factor to legal loophole the reasonableness of judical precedent has been commonly identified among scholars .


  • Inactive PrivateInvestment : Reasons and Way-out ; Analysis on the Participation of Civil Organizations in Public Crisis Governance

    民间投资 而不动:原因分析与治理对策公共危机治理中的民间组织参与问题研究

  • Confusion & Way-out : Pondering over the Transformation of Employment Guidance in China 's Higher Institution

    困惑与 出路:我国高校就业指导工作转型的思考

  • Function of Quality Expansion in Art Practice and its Way-out

    论艺术实践的素质拓展功能及其 实现 途径

  • The Plight and Way-out of The Philosophy Hermeneutics

    哲学诠释学的困境与 出路

  • Traits and Way-out & Practical Thinking on Speeding up the Transferring the Labor in Rural Area of Zhangjiakou

    困境与 出路&加速张家口农村劳动力转移的现实思考

  • On the Predicament of Fact Presumption in Civil Judgment and Its Way-out

    论民事裁判中的事实推定的困境与 出路 & 南京 视角

  • To develop agricultural cycling economy is the realistic way-out to solve the environmental problem and foster the development of rural areas as well .

    发展农业循环经济是农村实现环境与发展 双赢的现实 途径

  • In order to solve these problems the establishment of a scientific evaluating system of interpreting serves as a must way-out with a view to evaluate and select qualified interpreters in an effective manner .

    而要解决这一问题,就要建立起一个科学系统的口译评估体系,从而有效的评估和选拔合格的口译人才,而 口译 测试无疑是最有效的途径。

  • From this level the undergraduate village official re-employment intentions after expiration is a realistic guiding significance for the whole way-out policy of the undergraduate village officials and may lay an important basis for the long-term development of the implement of the undergraduate village official plan .

    从这一层面来说,大学生村官期满再择业意向对整个大学生村官 出路政策有着现实的指导意义,将为大学生村官计划长远发展奠定重要的基础。

  • Poverty and Way-out of Geography (ⅰ) & Philosophical Reflections on the Geographical Crisis

    地理学的贫困与 出路(Ⅰ)&地理学危机的哲学思考

  • On the Dilemma and Way-out of Inculcation-type Moral Education on the Background of Modern Education

    论现代教育背景下思想政治课灌输教育的困境与 出路

  • Over many years Drabble has been hammered at writing works . She has spared no effort to explore zealously feminine identity and their way-out for female especially the intellectual women facing dilemma between career and marriage .

    多年来,她笔根不辍,硕果累累,不遗余力地致力于探索女性身份和为女性尤其是在面对婚姻和职业时处于两难境地的知识女性 寻找 出路的创作。

  • They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged

    他们不会放过你 这些 古怪的念头的。

  • The realistic significance lies in : it has provided a way-out for the choice of county economic and financial development and a clue for deepening our national rural financial reform .

    由农村 信用 改制为农村商业 银行 形式为我国农村金融改革和农村金融深化提供了一种 可行的思路。

  • The paper analysis the reason dilemma difficulty and way-out of the compensation in detail .

    并分别就各自补偿的原因、困境和难点及 出路进行了详细的论证和诠释。

  • Didn 't you find her a little way-out for you a bit too arty ?

    你不觉得她对你 来说有些 另类,有些太做作吗?

  • For above reasons the essential way-out and strive direction of chi-na 's finance are carring out finance open policy and relative measures .

    故实行金融开放及实行配套的宏观经济环境和金融监管治理是金融业的根本 出路和努力方向。

  • And they both actively involve in the pursuit of way-out for the salvation of the nation and the human belong to the two writers are significantly different in their criticism to civilization understanding of life and their anticipation of the ideal nation .

    由于所属文化的 独特性和所属文明阶段的差异性,二位作家在对文明批判、对生命意识的理解和对理想国的 构想上又有明显的不同。

  • On Construction of Modern Pedagogy : Problems Dilemmas and Way-out

    现代教育学建设:问题、困境与 出路

  • Straits and the Way-out of Our City Commune Sports Management Early 21st Century

    21世纪初我国城市社区体育管理的困境与 出路

  • They ponder and explore a series of final problems such as society and individual existing state and existing meaning and efforts to look for way-out .

    他们思索和探寻:社会与个人、存在状态与存在意义、找寻 出路等一系列的终极性问题。

  • In the process of rectifying and regularizing mineral resources development order the key to settling material problems of administration behavior irregularity is law enforcement and the key to settling way-out problems of administration behavior irregularity is legislation .

    在整顿和规范矿产资源开发秩序过程中,解决具体行政行为违法问题的关键在于执法,解决 抽象行政行为违法问题的关键在于立法。

  • On the Strategic Way-out for China 's rural Development in the New Era

    论新时期中国农村发展的战略 出路

  • Not only has he made brilliant contributions to our cultural exchanges but his inventive and innovative translation theories and thinking have pointed out the future direction and way-out for our translation course .

    他不但为我国的对外文化交流做出了巨大的贡献,而且他的独具创新的译学理论和思想也为我国的翻译事业指明了 前进的方向和 道路

  • Crux and Way-out of Drop in Benefit for China s City Retail Business

    中国城市零售业效益滑坡的症结和 出路

  • The way-out is to take measures from all aspects of the society such as economy politics culture and schools to balance the ecology of moral education .

    平衡 德育生态的 方案在于从经济、政治、文化、学校德育方面共同着手, 调整德育生态系统至平衡, 营造 良性 运作的德育社会生态。