

[化] 波数

  • The wavenumber correction technique adopted solves this problem well with high precision .

    采用的 波数校正方法很好的解决了这一问题,并具有很高的精度。

  • The Business Cycle in China ; The Method of Wavenumber Space Analysis for Acoustic Natures of Periodically Stiffened Plate

    中国经济周期波动特征分析: 滤波方法的应用周期加筋板声学性质的 波数空间分析方法

  • Wavenumber integration method of acoustic field and numerical computation

    声场 波数积分方法和数值计算

  • The point power spectrum density and the wavenumber frequency spectrum density of turbulent-boundary - layer fluctuation pressure are measured by use of a φ 8 mm hydrophone and a 20-element array respectively .

    利用一个φ8mm水听器和一个20元阵在水洞中测量了湍流边界层起伏压力的点功率谱密度和 波数频率谱密度。

  • The cut-off wavenumber and latent mode of ridged waveguides are analyzed contrastively using transverse mode-matching method ( TM3 ) and finite element method ( FEM ) . Principal mode of double-ridged waveguides and the cut-off wavenumber and field distribution of high-order mode are studied in details .

    主要研究内容如下:1、采用横向模匹配法和有限元法对比分析了脊波导的截止 波数和本征模,详细分析了双脊波导的主模和高次模的截止波数和场分布。

  • The amplitude characteristic of this filter is directly proportional to k ~ n ( k is wavenumber ) .

    该滤波器的振幅特性与 波数k的n次 成正比。

  • As an important result the root 's real part is smaller than the maximum of the fluid wavenumber in the hole and the longitudinal wavenumber was gained .

    并且根的实部不会大于井内流体 波数和井外纵波波数的最大值。

  • An Improved CSAR 3-D Imaging Algorithm in Polar Wavenumber Domain

    一种改进的极坐标 波数域圆迹SAR三维成像算法

  • The selection of wavenumber in computation of finite element and finite difference method

    有限元和有限差分法计算中的 波数选取

  • Raman spectrum indicated the peaks of CNTs shifted to high wavenumber in composites .

    Raman光谱显示,在复合材料中,CNTs各特征谱峰向高 数位移。

  • Based on the theory of wave motion the measuring theory and approach of frequency / wavenumber spectrum of vibration field are introduced .

    本文从波动理论出发 . 推导了振动波场的测试理论 .介绍了频率/ 波数谱分析方法。

  • Using the zonal spatial wavelet transform method for three-dimensional data the characteristic zonal wavenumber of winter circulation in Northern Hemisphere and its temporal and spatial evolutions corresponding to the characteristic zonal wavenumber are investigated .

    应用三维数据的纬向空间小波变换方法,分析了北半球冬季环流的特征纬向 波数及其与特征纬向波数相对应的北半球冬季环流的时空演变特征和规律。

  • A new scheme is used to choose wavenumbers which lets the wavenumber m glide with given computational time t.

    在反傅氏变换中,使用新的波数选取方案,让 波数m随时间t滑动。

  • In addition an analysis of the range cell migration away from the mechanism . Afterwards the Wavenumber algorithm is discussed and compared with RD algorithm .

    并且,分析了距离徙动产生的机理。然后,对 合成 孔径 雷达 回波 信号模型进行了详细的分析,讨论了SAR 波数 成像算法,并与RD算法做了比较和分析。

  • Finally the methods to finding the spheroidal wave functions were also discussed the case when the multiplications of wavenumber and focus length were up to10 for oblate spheroid .

    最后并对求解所需之椭圆体波动函数之求法加以研究,并延伸至 较高 频率之情况,本文提出之方法可求得准确之特 值。

  • We derived analytical expression of Jacobian matrix in frequency wavenumber domain which can be computed directly from forward modeling .

    推导出 波数频率域中的雅可比矩阵的解析表达式,其计算在正演过程中求出。

  • A wavenumber domain algorithm for spaceborne bistatic SAR imaging is then proposed based on that range model .

    基于该距离模型提出一种星载双基地SAR 波数域成像算法,能在大 视角、高分辨率情况下精确成像。

  • The accuracy of phase calculation is improved for the case of wavenumber being different .

    为此,对不同 波数的情形, 采用Belling 渐近 展开法,提高了其中位相的精度;

  • Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging Algorithm for the Surface of the Human Body Based on Wavenumber Domain Integration

    基于 波数域积分的人体表面微波三维成像算法研究

  • New Results of Zero Delay Wavenumber Spectrum of Body Surface Array ECG Signals

    体表阵列心电信号零延时 波数谱分析的新结果( 热电偶的) 分度

  • Fourier correlation coefficient is the cosine of phase differences between two frequency or wavenumber components .

    傅立叶相关系数是指2个频率成份或 波数成份的相位差的余弦。

  • Characteristic Zonal Wavenumber of Winter Circulation in Northern Hemisphere and Its Temporal and Spatial Evolutions The northernmost part of China is south of latitude 54'N.

    北半球冬季环流的特征纬向 波数及其时空演变中国的最北端还在北纬五十四度以南。

  • The scheme is developed based on the hybrid domain ( wavenumber and space ) wave equation based migration methods .

    文中针对一类混合域(空间和 波数)的波动方程偏移方法展开研究。

  • Wave Number Domain Solution for Image Formation of Bistatic SAR ; An Improved CSAR 3-D Imaging Algorithm in Polar Wavenumber Domain

    双站合成孔径雷达成像波数域解决方案一种改进的极坐标 波数域圆迹SAR三维成像算法

  • The Method of Wavenumber Space Analysis for Acoustic Natures of Periodically Stiffened Plate

    周期加筋板声学性质的 波数空间分析方法

  • With decreasing CZTS nanocrystal size the broadening Raman spectra appear moving to the high wavenumber region .

    观测到随着纳米晶尺寸的减小,出现Raman谱展宽,并向高 移动。

  • Experimental Studies on GPR Velocity Estimation and Imaging Method Using Migration in Frequency Wavenumber Domain

    探地雷达频率 波数域速度估计和成像方法的实验研究

  • Formulae of energy spectrum density of large wavenumber range in homogeneous isotropic turbulence are given here .

    对均匀各向 同性湍流提出一个能谱密度的计算公式。