weighted function

[ˈwetɪd ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈweitid ˈfʌŋkʃən]

[计] 加权函数

  • In the IT the quickly finding analyzing and processing on optimal path of road are the researching forefront too . Data pretreatment weighted function and algorithm analysis is the important part .

    而道路最优路径的快速查找和分析处理又成为了目前智能交通中的研究前沿,数据预处理、 加权 函数、算法分析则是其中最重要的部分。

  • In this paper we discuss the uniformly asymptotic normality of the weighted function estimate of the fixed design regression model for strong mixing samples . We give the rates of the uniformly asymptotic normality . The rate is near n-1 / 6 .

    在强混合样本下,讨论固定设计回归模型的 加权 函数估计的一致渐近正态性,给出一致渐近正态性的收敛速度,这个速度接近n-1/6。

  • The design procedure is carried out by tuning the transformation parameter and DC gain of the performance weighted function . The former is the key parameter in placing the dominant closed-loop poles at the desired locations . And the latter determines the steady-state tracking error of the system .

    整个设计过程是通过调整变换参数和性能 加权 函数的增益来实现的,前者决定了闭环系统主导极点的位置,而后者则决定了系统的稳态跟踪误差。

  • How to select the weighted function much effective is the key question for the method .

    其中,如何合适的选择 函数 数值流形方法的一个关键问题。

  • The normalized factor C can be obtained from the non normalized weighted function .

    规格化因子C可以通过非规格化的 加权 函数计算。

  • This paper gives weighted least squares estimate and the method to choose optimum weighted function for linear regression model .

    给出了线性回归模型中的加权最小二乘估计以及最优 权数的选择。

  • Estimating Annual Maximum Precipitation with numerical integral single weighted function method

    数值积分单 函数法在求算年最大降雨中的应用

  • A Class of Inductive Weighted Function System use comparison in confusion to connect the meanings ;

    一类归纳 加权 函数系乱用比喻,进行意义系联;

  • Moreover we analyze explicitly selection of weighted function reversibility of A matrix confirm of radius of influencing domain and characteristic of interpolating function and so on .

    并对移动最小二乘法的 函数的选取、A矩阵的可逆性、影响域半径的确定以及插值函数的性质等关键性问题都进行了详细的分析。

  • The Kelvin solution to the static linear elastic problem is used as the weighted function to derive the boundary integral equation for steady-state vibration problems .

    本文用静线弹性问题的开尔文解作为 函数导出了稳态振动问题的边界积分方程。

  • The trial functions and weighted function are constructed by the short beam function .

    试函数和 函数依据短梁函数进行构造。

  • In chapter 4 using multiplier method and weighted function method we derived local energy decay of the wave equations with localized dissipation while the condition of compact support of original data was removed .

    第四章在初始值去掉其紧支集的条件下,利用乘子方法及 加权 函数的方法,得到外区域上带局部耗散项的波动方程的局部能量衰减估计。

  • In this paper we discuss the strong consistency of the nonparametric regression weighted function estimator for negatively associated samples . The applicability of the results obtained is demonstrated by way of two existing estimates the Gasser-Muller estimates and that of Priestley-Chao .

    在NA样本下,讨论了非参数回归模型中 函数估计的强相合性及强一致相合性,并把这个结果应用于Gasser-Muller估计和PriestleyandChao估计。

  • This paper introduces the basic principle of a weighted-K-NN classifier and presents the corresponding algorithm . The form of the weight function are discussed emphatically and two new definition formulas of weighted function are produced .

    本文介绍了加权K-NN分类器的基本原理,并给出了相应的算法,着重对权函数的形式进行了讨论,提出了两种新的 函数定义公式。

  • The structured singular value theory was used to reduce the conservation of the standard H ∞ design in the multi-uncertain system . Meanwhile the select and adjustment principle of weighted function in design was given out .

    为了减小含有多摄动系统在标准H∞设计时的保守性,引入结构奇异值的理论,并给出了设计中 加权 函数的选取和调整原则。

  • According to the reality of the project 3 main factors affecting the dike safety i.e. the exploration data soil properties and enforcement measures and a corresponding index system and weighted function for evaluation are determined .

    根据工程实际情况,确定了物探资料、土层性质、加固措施3个影响堤防安全的主要因素及相应的评价指标体系和 系数

  • Author uses a weighted function to express material shape property in viscoplastic non-linear equation .

    对这种材料,作者在材料的粘弹性非线性本构方程中引入了一个 加权 函数来表示材料形状特性。

  • Application of Weighted Function Method to Hydrological Frequency Analysis


  • The mean square deviation was used to calculate the weight and compositive appraisement method of hierarchy multiplayer and the linear weighted function were introduced to build the two levels and integrated indicator of health diagnoses model – the health index .

    以均方差决策法确定了各指标的权重,运用递阶多层次综合法、线性 加权 函数法分别建立了二级层次和综合指标健康诊断模型――健康指数。

  • The strong consistency of the nonparametric regression weighted function estimator for positive associated samples is discussed .

    在PA样本下,讨论非参数回归模型中 函数估计的强相合性及强一致相合性。

  • The important research results are as follows : ① A weighted trilateration localization algorithm based on anchor node selection strategy and angle weighted function is put forward .

    本文主要研究成果包括如下三个方面:①提出了基于锚节点优选策略和角度 权重 函数的加权三边测量定位算法。

  • Weighted function method for minimum rock cover thickness of subsea tunnel

    海底隧道最小岩石覆盖厚度的 函数

  • Study On A Modified Double Weighted Function Method for Flood Frequency Analysis

    水文频率分析中修改双 函数法的研究与应用

  • On the base of Method of Weighted Residuals the try function and weighted function of NMM are studied .

    以加权余量法为基础,研究了NMM、FEM、EFGM和 DDA等的试 函数构造方式。

  • The method of AHP which were supported by the entropy technique was applied to fix the weight of index . The system health level is judged by integration diagnose which uses the fuzzy membership function and the linear weighted function .

    运用熵技术支持下的AHP法确定指标权重,选用模糊隶属函数进行指标量化,线性 加权 函数法建立各级诊断模型,诊断评判出小流域系统健康水平;

  • Asymptotic efficiency for curve fitting by weighted function method


  • Study on the Weighted Coefficients of the Dual Weighted function method with Discrete Series

    不连序系列双 函数法权系数的研究

  • The method showed new formula in the approximations of the unknown variable the choice of weighted function and the numerical integration in the square sphere .

    该法在场函数近似、 函数选取以及方形域数值积分等方面给出了全新的格式。

  • The design for robust performance of system is realized by choosing proper uncertainty weighted function performance weighted function and control weighted function .

    通过选取适合的不确定性 函数、性能权函数和控制权函数,实现系统的鲁棒性能设计。

  • This paper discusses the properties of the weighted function the method to get relative parameters for the weighted function and the function 's figure with respect to some different parameters .

    本文对该方法中 加权 函数的性质和参数的求取进行了讨论,给出了加权函数的图形和参数选取的办法。