weighted noise

[ˈwetɪd nɔɪz][ˈweitid nɔiz]


  • The error analysis results for A weighted noise frequency weight indicate that the sum of absolute error is less than 0.084 3 dB the sum of relative error is less than 1.25 % and the maximum relative error is less than 0.436 % .

    误差分析结果显示,用该方法进行A 噪声频谱计权计算的绝对误差总和小于0.0843dB,相对误差总和小于1.25%,最大相对误差小于0.436%。

  • Presents an unified linear fusion model for multi-sensor information which can not be restricted by data types and fusion system structure moreover indicates that it is equivalent between linear minimum square estimation fusion and weighted least squares estimation fusion on premise of positive definite noise covariance matrix ;

    给出了多源信息统一的线性融合模型,使其表示不受数据类型和融合系统结构的限制,并指出在 噪声协方差阵正定的前提下,线性最小方差估计融合和 加权最小二乘估计融合是等价的;

  • An improved weighted noise power estimation algorithm is proposed in the paper by taking into account the correlation of inter-frequency in the noisy speech .

    本文在 加权 噪声 估计的基础上,考虑了带噪语音在相邻频带间的相关性,提出了一种新的 噪声功率谱估计算法。

  • Based on this principle combined with median filtering and weighted mean filter containing the distance from the abnormal noise more like conducted noise suppression .

    以此准则为基础,结合中值滤波和 加权均值滤波,对含有距离反常 噪声较多的距离像进行了噪声抑制。

  • A range anomalies reduction algorithm of laser imaging radar range image based on surrounding criterion is proposed . Firstly the noise is detected based on surrounding criterion . Then using a combining median filter with weighted mean filter the noise reduction is carried out on range image .

    提出了基于包围准则的距离反常噪声抑制算法,根据包围准则检测噪声,结合中值滤波和 加权均值滤波,达到 噪声抑制目的。

  • This paper proposes two new methods : feature weighted likelihood and divergence based dimension reduction to improve detecting performance in noise .

    本文提出了两种特征处理方法:特征的似然度 加权和基于散度的维数缩减,来提高 噪声下端点检测的性能。

  • In this paper an improved method for smoothing speckle noise in ultrasonic images is proposed by applying the weighted median filter based on the statistic characteristics of speckle noise and log compression in ultrasonic imaging .

    将Speckle 噪声的统计特性及超声图像的对数压缩变换应用于 加权中值滤波,对权系数的选择进行了改进。

  • Weighted region average algorithm is used on noise filtering and shape signature is adopted on feature description .

    在图像特征提取部分,采用 加权的邻域平均算法对 图像进行 噪声滤除,改善了轮廓提取的 效果。在特征描述部分,采用形状签名代替链码,提高了 能力及运算速度。

  • The multisensor optimal weighted measurement fusion white noise deconvolution Wiener filter is presented by using the Kalman filtering method .

    利用Kalman滤波方法提出了多传感器最优观测 加权融合白 噪声反卷积Wiener滤波器。

  • Weighted average filter is used for image filtering to filter random noise of system .

    采用 加权均值滤波器对图像进行滤波,滤除系统随机 噪声

  • Globally Optimal Weighted Measurement Fusion White Noise Deconvolution Estimator for Time-varying Systems

    时变系统全局最优 加权观测融合白 噪声反卷积估值器

  • Experimental results show that fuzzy weighted support vector machine enhances the robustness to impulse noise and Gaussian noise .

    实验结果表明,与标准支持向量机相比,模糊 权重支持向量机具有更强的抗 性;

  • On the basis of image noise detecting the adaptive median filtering and adaptive weighted mean filtering algorithms are adopted to filter the pulse and Gaussian noise in pavement distress image respectively .

    在图像噪声检测的基础上,对路面破损图像脉冲 噪声和高斯 噪声,采用了自适应中值滤波和自适应 加权均值滤波算法进行图像滤波。

  • This paper proposes a high frequency weighted MFCC extraction method to improve the performance of speaker verification in noise conditions .

    本文提出了一种可提高 噪声环境下的说话人确认识别率的语音MFCC参数高频 加权方法。

  • A fuzzy weighted average filter method is proposed in this paper to filter noise in huge amounts of measured points of freeform surface .

    文章提出了一种用于曲面测量中测点数据 噪声处理的模糊 加权均值滤波方法。

  • A new weighted quotient method is developed for the design and the minimum noise measure design can be regarded as a particular version of this method .

    设计中 采用加权 加权 -范法,并为此种设计发展了一种新的 加权商法,而最小 噪声量度设计可视为此法的一个特定变型。

  • In addition under the optimal weighted measurement fusion criterion two weighted measurement fusion global optimal white noise deconvolution filters and smoothers are presented .

    根据最优加权观测融合准则,提出了两种 加权观测融合全局最优白 噪声反卷积滤波器和平滑器。

  • The results of a rate of 3.2 bit / pel and a weighted signal to quantizing noise ratio of 52.52 dB have been obtained by computer simulation .

    计算机模拟结果,在压缩到3.2bit/pel码率时,在质量上达到 加权比为 52.52dB

  • Gradient Weighted Periodic Median Algorithm for Filtering Interferogram Noise

    基于梯度的干涉条纹图圆周期 滤波

  • A new efficient fuzzy weighted mean filter approach to the restoration of images corrupted by mixed noise was proposed .

    针对图像混合 噪声提出了一种新型的模糊 加权均值滤波算法。

  • Study on Weighted Mean Filtering Algorithm Based on the Images with Salt and Pepper Noise

    基于椒盐 噪声图像的 加权均值滤波算法研究

  • Firstly a fused weighted factor is constructed with respect to the noise and fuzzy degree distribution variances of the neighboring image region .

    首先依据图像邻域方差对 噪声和模糊度的分布估计来构造融合 加权因子;

  • New Efficient Fuzzy Weighted Mean Filter Approach for Removal of Mixed Noise

    图像混合 噪声的模糊 加权均值滤波算法仿真

  • The objective function is weighted value of mass augment and mean power level of radiated noise which is calculated with Finite Element Method and Boundary Element Method .

    采用有限元方法和边界元方法建立了复杂结构辐射 噪声预测模型,用于计算辐射声功率级。

  • On-line Random Weighted Estimate of White Noise Errors in Integrated INS / GPS / SAR System

    INS/GPS/SAR组合系统白 噪声误差特性的在线随机 加权估计

  • The measurement and calculation method of the air noise emitted from diesel engine in accordance with GB / T 1859-2000 is introduced the values of the weighted noise A surface sound pressure level and sound power level of the prototype of 280 diesel engine have been calculated .

    介绍了依据国家标准 GBT18592000对柴油机辐射的空气噪声进行测量和计算的过程,并得出280型柴油机样机的 噪声A计 表面声压级和声功率级的计算值。

  • Simulated experiments show that optimal stack filters based on neighboring weighted mean absolute criterion can also reach a good tradeoff between noise suppressing and detail preservation .

    仿真实验表明,基于领域 加权平均绝对值 误差准则最优层叠滤波器也能在细节保持和 滤除 噪声方面寻找到比较合适的折衷点。关键词:层叠滤波器;

  • The algorithm first divides the image into several parts and separates the two kinds of noise in each part by means of noise detection then applies the adaptive median filter and the adaptive weighted mean filter to removing impulse noise and Gaussian noise respectively .

    该方法先将图像分为若干区域,并对每个区域进行噪声检测以实现两类噪声的分离,然后再分别采用自适应中值滤波和自适应 加权均值滤波将分离出的脉冲 噪声和高斯噪声去除。

  • A robust weighted estimation method for noise suppression was suggested based on constant lost alarm ratio . 7 .

    在弱小目标检测的 噪声抑制研究中,提出了一种基于鲁棒 加权 回归估计的恒漏警噪声抑制方法。