



  • Of course in today 's populist politics the only thing worse than being the candidate of the wealthy is being the candidate of the super wealthy .

    当然,在如今 邀买人心的美国政界,唯一比代表富人的候选人更糟糕的就是代表超级富豪的候选人。

  • He cheated her into believing him a wealthy man .

    他骗得她相信他是一个 富翁

  • Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry .

    有幸成了 富人 有义务捐助忍饥挨饿的人。

  • They were by and large a very wealthy privileged elite .

    他们基本上是 一些非常有钱有势的精英。

  • I mean you and julia * Very wealthy .

    我的意思是你和朱丽娅都很 有钱

  • There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep 's eyes at the beautiful girl .

    那儿来了一个 富有的证券经纪人,他含情脉脉地看着这位漂亮的姑娘。

  • Her clothes and behaviors confirmed my guess that she was really quite wealthy .

    她的衣着和行为证实了我的猜想她确实很 富有

  • A wealthy man came to their rescue with a generous donation .

    一个 富有的人慷慨解囊挽救了他们。

  • While they may be wealthy and powerful their passion goes beyond money and power .

    他们也许非常 有钱,权势惊人,但是他们的激情远远超越了金钱和权力。

  • A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death .


  • He grew up in a wealthy family .

    他在一个 富有的家庭里长大。

  • I often wish that I were really wealthy .

    我常常想,要是我真正很 富有就好了。

  • But this is done in only a few wealthy and middle-income countries .

    然而,这一方法目前仅在寥寥几个 富裕 国家和中等收入国家里实现。

  • It is a misconception that Peggy was fabulously wealthy

    人们误以为佩吉相当 有钱

  • He suddenly became wealthy which changed his whole mode of life .

    他突然 有钱了, 财富改变了他的整个生活方式。

  • The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life .


  • The high tone of the occasion was assured by the presence of a dozen wealthy patrons

    十几位 富有资助人的出席确保了仪式的高格调。

  • The lucrative contract with television means that England 's wealthy football clubs will now be laughing all the way to the bank .

    与电视台签订的这项大合同会让 富有的英格兰足球俱乐部财源滚滚。

  • In those days only quite wealthy families had baths of their own .

    那时候,只有非常 富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。

  • Germany is the largest giver of aid among the wealthy countries of the West .

    德国是西方 富裕国家中给予援助最多的国家。

  • And where wealthy women differ from most men is in their interests in socially responsible investing .


  • This amount of money is of little value to wealthy people .

    这点儿钱对 富人来说不过是小儿科。

  • A wealthy man like yourself is bound to make an enemy or two along the way

    像你这样的 有钱人,一路走来注定会结下一两个仇人的。

  • No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy .

    谁也不知道他怎么会变得如此 富有

  • It had once been the home of a wealthy nobleman .

    这里曾是一个 有钱贵族的宅邸。