wire netting

[waɪr ˈnɛtɪŋ][ˈwaiə ˈnetɪŋ]


  • A super high speed turn off installation which can break large electrified wire netting within 120 μ s is studied in this paper .

    研究了一种超高速关断装置,可以实现对 电网小于120μs关断。

  • Adam whistled cheerfully as he tacked up the wire netting round the tennis court .

    亚当一面钉网球场周围的 铁丝 ,一面高兴地吹口哨。

  • In power industry transformation of electrified wire netting by applying advanced science and technology will give an impetus to the growth in production and consumption .

    在电力行业,应用先进的科学技术,对 电网进行改造能带动生产和消费的有效增长。

  • Has all set up the standardized platform district of supplying power some townships are carrying on the electric wire netting of same price and grid to transform ;

    全部建立了供电规范化台区,有的乡正在进行同 同价 电网改造;

  • This article introduced the electrified wire netting Supervising System based on DSP and CAN BUS .

    本文介绍了基于DSP和CAN总线的 电网监控系统。

  • However due to the insufficient consumptive ability of electrified wire netting the rapid development of wind power in China is restrict .

    但是由于 电网对风电 消纳能力的不足,制约了我国风电的快速发展。

  • A glass that contains a layer of wire netting in it .

    网络 分配 设备 有线 电视 中间有一层 线 的玻璃。

  • The Study of the Protection of Electrified Wire Netting microcomputer in Coal Mines

    煤矿 电网微机保护研究

  • See - I 'll stand on this side of the wire netting and you can keep on the other ; so you may feel quite safe .

    好啦我站在 铁丝 这边,你可以 在铁丝 的另一边;这样你就可以完全放心了。

  • The rabbits couldn 't get under the wire netting so for once we were able to grow some vegetables .

    兔子无法从 铁丝 下面 进来,我们总算可以种些蔬菜了。

  • The mating technology such as smooth blasting jet concrete wire netting and steel band were used to improve anchor bar supporting property .

    采用光面爆破、喷射混凝土、 金属 、钢带等配套技术,可改善锚杆支护的性能。

  • Simulation results show that the course of putting into and withdrawing will not bring any harmful effects to load electric wire netting and device itself .

    仿真结果表明,当采用该投切方法时,装置的投切过程不会对负载、 电网和装置本身带来任何不利影响。

  • The voltage loss calculating method of the low voltage electrified wire netting at ground mining area is introduced .

    介绍了煤矿井下采区低压 电网电压损失的计算方法。

  • The utility model comprises a shell a top cover an upper cover a left porous commutation cylinder a right commutation cylinder a wire netting commutation cylinder and a lower cover .

    它包括壳体、顶盖、上盖、左多孔整流筒、右多孔整流筒、 金属 丝网整流筒、下盖。

  • The deicer which is adopted has low production cost and high efficiency which is particularly suitable for electrified wire netting in mountainous areas .

    它所采用的除 冰器成本低,效率高、特别适应山区 电网使用。

  • Studied the influence about the temperature of vacuum sintering to the performance and the metallographical structure of the wire netting material by technics testing .

    通过工艺试验,研究了真空烧结温度对 丝网材料烧结性能及微观组织构的影响。

  • The original is begined with through electric power security Point out electrified wire netting low level operation perniciousness Analyse the reason that the low level takes shape Propose several steps that guaranty line voltage is steady .

    从电力安全入手,指出了 电网低电压运行的危害性,分析了低电压形成的原因,提出了保证电网电压稳定的几条措施。

  • They tried putting wire netting all round the garden .

    他们试着 铁丝 把花园全围了 起来

  • Designing of Electrified Wire Netting Company 's Treasurer Risk Early Warning System


  • Research of Fault Diagnosis for Direct Current Electrified Wire Netting Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

    基于模糊神经网络的直流 电网故障诊断研究

  • With the constant deepening advancing the reform of and the electric system of the market-based process of economy of our country national electric wire netting Company change and change to already existing management mode and management theory constantly .

    随着我国经济市场化进程的推进和电力体制改革的不断深入,国家 电网公司对原有的管理模式和经营理念进行了不断地调整和转变。

  • When Vacuum Height Adding Delayed Avoid the Electrified Wire Netting Fluctuation Switch Mistake Moving

    真空高防加延时避免 电网波动开关误动

  • Fix by radio cross-bearing wire netting of iron or steel whether or not welded at intersections

    无线电测向仪交叉定位 丝网,铁或钢制,无论交叉处是否焊接

  • The bird had become entangled in the wire netting .

    那只小鸟被 铁丝 缠住了。

  • The Grey Forecast of Maximum Load and Peak-Valley Difference of Beijing Tianjin and Tangshan Wire Netting

    京津唐 电网最大负荷及峰谷差的灰色预测

  • With wide working voltage range can suit wire netting well . lts high duty cycle is applicable for continuous work in factory .

    工作电压范围宽, 电网适应能力强,负载持续率高,更适合工厂里连续工作。

  • Some problems and shortcomings are existing in Datong electric wire netting . It is necessary to suggest the design principle in GIS system development . This article introduces the key problem and the applying effect of this system in Datong Power Supply Company .

    总结了大同 电网输原电 MIS系统存在问题和不足,在此基础上提出了GIS系统开发的必要性及其设计原则,简述了设计中的关键问题,介绍了该系统在大同供电公司应用的效果。

  • The bird got entangled in the wire netting .

    要把小鸟从 救出

  • On the other hand the experience like falling down from a full speed horse brushing closely the wire netting is really a horrible thing .

    但类似从飞奔的马背上飞出去擦着 铁丝 摔到地上的经历 回想 起来 庆幸又的确有些后怕。

  • This article applied symmetrical component method to carry out the analysis on a 110 kV circuit single-phase wire break happened in Hefei area electrified wire netting . Phenomenon occurred coincides briefly with theory and reality .

    本文应用对称分量法,对合肥地区 电网实际运行中发生的一起110kV线路单相断线故障进行了计算分析,理论分析与实际发生现象基本符合。