wire agency

[waɪr ˈedʒənsi][ˈwaiə ˈeidʒənsi]


  • At present there are two main ways to improve wire agency : improvement on performance of hardware and software of control .

    目前,提高 机构性能主要有两条途径:改进 机构的硬件性能和 机构的控制软件。

  • The Indian wire agency Press Trust of India quoted unnamed officials as saying that up to ten militants were hiding in the area including some top commanders of two to three Muslim militant groups .

    印度 报业 托拉斯援引一位不愿透露姓名官员的话说,多达10名激进分子躲藏在这个地区,其中包括两到三个穆斯林激进组织的一些高级指挥官。

  • By eight o'clock yesterday morning a detailed account of his thinking was running on the wire of the country 's biggest news agency .

    昨天早上八点该国最大的新闻 机构就晒出一份有关其想法的明细 帐目表。