wire gauze

[waɪr ɡɔz][ˈwaiə gɔ:z]


  • The results showed there exists certain effect of net structure of corrugated wire gauze Packings on its mass transfer performance .

    研究结果表明,网纹构型对 丝网波纹填料的传质性能有一定的影响。

  • Ignition characteristics : It can be ignited by the charcoal chimney or bright hire under the iron wire gauze .

    点燃特性:采用点炭筒点燃,或者采用 铁丝 下用明火点燃。

  • A Study on Effect of Net Structure of Corrugated Wire Gauze Packing on Its Mass Transfer Performance

    新型网波填料塔的 间歇 精馏优化 操作的研究 丝网波纹填料的网纹构型对其传质性能影响的研究

  • Studies on absorption of nitrogen oxides in the presence of a corrugated stainless steel wire gauze as packing material

    不锈钢 丝网填料存在时氮氧化物吸收过程的研究

  • Nanometer TiO_2 film photocatalyst on stainless steel wire gauze was prepared by using sol-gel method .

    钛酸丁酯为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法在 金属 丝网上制备了TiO2薄膜光催化剂。

  • Dandy roll : A cylinder of wire gauze in the paper making machine that comes into contact with the paper while it is still wet . The dandy impresses the watermark and the laid lines into its surface when required .

    水印 :在造成纸机上的 金属纲圆筒,它卢湿纸接触,按照需求压上水印水纹。亦称面辘。

  • Influence of Surface Treatment of Corrugated Wire Gauze Packing on Its Performances

    金属 丝网波纹填料表面处理对其性能的影响

  • The surface of corrugated wire gauze packing was treated with different methods respectively and the pressure drop Δ P / Z and the height equivalent to a theoretical plate HETP of packing were determined before and after they had been treated with ethanol water system .

    金属 丝网波纹填料采用不同的方法进行表面处理,并以乙醇水为物系,对处理前后填料层的压降△P/Z及等板高度HETP进行了测定。

  • The characteristic study of the oxide filament with tantalum wire wrapped with platinum gauze

    直热 钽基铂 氧化物灯丝特性的研究

  • Thus it can be seen that the surface treatment of corrugated wire gauze packing has more advantages under a low liquid load .

    由此可见,在低液体负荷下, 金属 丝网波纹填料的表面处理更具有优越性。

  • Influence of surface treatment of corrugated wire gauze packing on its hydrodynamic performance of packing has been studied .

    研究了 金属 丝网波纹填料表面处理对其流体力学及传质性能的影响。

  • Studies on Nanometer TiO_2 Film Photocatalyst Supported on Stainless Steel Wire Gauze

    不锈钢 金属 丝网上TiO2纳米薄膜光催化剂的研究

  • The plate made of wire gauze with polystyrene is a good lightweight wallboard material with many merits .

    钢丝 网架聚苯乙烯夹心板是一种性能优良的轻质墙体材料,具有诸多优点。