wire enamel

[waɪr ɪˈnæməl][ˈwaiə iˈnæməl]


  • And the lamps made with highly transparent enamel wire inlay and powdered enamel filling are a particularly artistic sight to attract the visitors'attention !

    非常透明的搪瓷做的灯, 金属 镶嵌和 搪瓷彩釉,对吸引参观者具有特别的艺术效果。

  • The enamel wire has excellent heat resistance with 293 ℃ of glass transition temperature ( Tg ) and the cut-through temperature and breakdown voltage are obviously higher than the national standard of 240 class round aromatic polyimide enamel copper-wire .

    此种漆液涂制而成的漆包 线具有出色的耐热性,玻璃化转变温度可达293℃,软化击穿温度和击穿电压明显高于240级芳族聚酰亚胺 包圆 线国家标准。

  • Wire enamel in China in 2001

    2001年 线 绝缘 的发展

  • The insulating material is a three-layer enameled nanocomposite magnet wire which was prepared by polyesterimide enamel polyamideimide enamel and corona-resistant nano-TiO_2 / polyamideimide enamel that was prepared by in-situ polymerization .

    介绍了利用原位聚合法制备了纳米TiO2/聚酰胺酰亚胺复合绝缘 ,与聚酯亚胺底漆和聚酰胺酰亚胺面漆配合,涂制成三层结构的复合绝缘材料。

  • This product is a compound coated wire it made flom excellent bare copper flat wire covered with polyvinyl resin or other enamel as based coating and coated a special bond at surface .

    本产品为复合 线材以优良的裸铜线为导体以缩甲醛合成树酯漆或合成 为绝缘层并在绝缘层外涂以胶粘剂。

  • Dielectric properties of magnet wire enamel s filled with inorganic nano-powders

    纳米无机粉末填充电磁 线 的介电特性研究