


  • Despite having a gentle demeanor I could tell that the wingman would never allow danger to get near Yellow Thirteen even on land .

    我敢肯定,即使在地面上, 他的 队友也不会让危险接近他。

  • So remember that no matter what the stakes or what happens never leave your wingman ( or woman ) .

    所以, 切记不论面临怎样的风险或发生什么,不要离开 一半。

  • Snow : Flying as a wingman again I now know how my men felt .

    再次作为一名 僚机,我了解了我的部下们的感受。

  • Joe may be great to hang with at a sports bar having a beer or two while watching the game but is he suited to be your wingman when you approach a group of hot women ?

    也许和乔去运动吧喝上一两杯很适合,但是当你 接近一群火辣的女士们的时候,他是否合适成为你的 战友吗?

  • So ratcher looks like I 'm you 're wingman today .

    那么, 切,你今天应该是飞行者了。

  • An approach based on extremum seeking algorithms for the minimum power demand of the wingman in formation flight of an UAV is presented .

    针对无人机近 距离编队飞行问题,采用极值搜索算法, 解决 其中 僚机所需动力最小化的 控制问题。

  • You can be my wingman anytime !

    你可以随时做我的 舵手

  • We 'll get to see what that was like and how he got this reputation that Klaus has been holding on to because Klaus wants Stefan to be his wingman .

    我们会看到那时的他是什么样的、他是如何得到这个让克劳斯 欣赏以至于想让他做自己助手的这个 开膛 美名 的。

  • Think of it & if your wingman already knows what women want to hear isn 't that an advantage far greater than having a lot of money a full head of hair or even a speedboat ?

    好好想想&如果你的 泡妞 搭档对女人想听的话了如指掌,是不是比有大把钱,大把头发,或甚至比有一艘快艇更有优势呢?

  • Before his wingman could get a shot off .

    两旁 队员能够帮助他射击。

  • One of the first things you should do is get a good wingman .

    你首先需要做得是找一个好的 搭档

  • My dad was your wingman ?


  • I was not . I was * Being your wingman .

    我没有,我只是你的 后援 而已

  • On the carrier you 'll be joined by a new wingman .

    会有一架新 战机加入你们。