
[wɪŋd, ˈwɪŋɪd][wɪŋd]


  • Assyrian art also associates the winged disc with divinity and divine protection of the king and people .

    亚述人的艺术也与 的圆盘连结, 象征着神和神保护国王和人民。

  • Winged fly parasitic on horses .

    寄生在马的身上 翅膀的蝇。

  • However he didn 't notice some black winged snakes flying above him .

    但是,他还是没有注意到头顶上 黑翼蛇在飞。

  • Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore is winged Cupid painting blind .

    爱情不是用眼睛,而是用心灵去感应的,所以 翅膀的爱神丘比特被画成了瞎子。

  • Bushy annual weed of central North America having greenish flowers and winged seeds .

    北美洲中部的浓密的一年生野草,有绿色的花和 长翼的种子。

  • I forget I ever forget that I know not the way that I have not the winged horse .

    我忘却了,我总是忘却了,我不认得路,我也没有 的马。

  • Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects .

    鹟主要以 昆虫为食。

  • Your seeking after that feather is life with winged feet ;

    你寻求那根羽毛,是双足 的生命。

  • Thorny Eurasian shrub with dry woody winged fruit .

    欧亚的一种多刺灌木,具有干燥的多毛 翼状果实。

  • These same Achaemenids also adopted Assyrian and Babylonian motifs for their monumental art including the winged disc .

    同样是这些阿切曼尼人也采用了阿述和巴比伦的图案作为他们的纪念碑艺术,包括 的圆盘。

  • After fighting the black winged snake DD and BB were very tired .


  • Medium-sized Caucasian much-branched tree distinguished from other walnut trees by its winged fruit .

    高加索地区的有许多枝杈的中等尺寸的树木,其 翅果与其他胡桃树相区别。

  • A stray bullet winged the boy 's right arm .

    一颗流弹 打伤了男孩的右臂。

  • Eros that winged statue in Piccadilly circus .

    皮卡迪利广场上 的爱神雕像。

  • Imps mean swarms of little winged creatures that will overwhelm enemy forces .

    小鬼的出现,意味着大群 翅膀的小生物将会把敌人淹没。

  • Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly .

    你的生命也像断了 翅膀的鸟儿永远不能再飞。

  • No one knows what the ancient Persians called their winged disc .

    没有人知道古代的波斯人是怎样称呼他们的 圆盘标记。

  • Atop Athena 's helmet between winged griffins crouched an inscrutable sphinx .

    在雅典娜头盔的上方、于 的狮身鹰首兽之间,蹲伏着一头神秘难测的狮身人 史芬克斯

  • It proved that winged vehicle could exist alone in space .

    它证明了 飞行器能够单独在太空中 飞行

  • North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts .


  • One of their children was eros the winged God of love .

    他们的几个孩子中有一个名叫厄洛斯,就是那 翅膀的爱神。

  • Would a wingless lion lie down before Thee as this winged lion lies ?

    一只不 翅膀的狮子在你面前,会像这 翅膀的狮子一样顺从躺下?

  • The first of the airliners winged westwards and home .

    第一架班机向西 回了家。

  • The queen has wings for a time and one day she flies away with a winged male .

    雌蚁在一段时间内是有翅膀的,某一天会和一只 翅膀的雄蚁飞走。

  • The doves winged skyward .

    鸽子向空中 飞去

  • It is the Dragon ( Winged Lion ) and Hippo Kingdoms that speak forth today .

    今天是龙( 狮)与河马王国向大家讲话。

  • The winged spacecraft is unmistakable an engineering marvel .


  • Other card manufacturers emphasized Cupid the pudgy winged son of Venus the goddess of love .

    其他卡制造商强调丘比特的矮胖, 金星的儿子,爱的女神。

  • She embroidered it with figures of winged creatures .

    她在那上面绣了一些 的动物画像。