As a child he thought that his grandmother 's death had happened because he had willed it .
他小小年纪以为祖母死了是因为他曾经 想过让她死。
Father or strong willed said : No I would like to keep my church !
神父还是 意志 坚定的说:不,我要守住我的教堂!
We willed him to stop but he went past .
我们 想要他停下,他却停都不停地过去了。
The deceased willed his vast estate to his daughters .
死者 将自己大量的不动产 遗赠 给了他的女儿们。
The work has been finished as he willed it .
工作已照他 打算的那样完成了。
Then she told me that she too had willed deliverance even as he was mid-air .
然后她告诉我,即使他已悬在半空,她在 心中也同样 期望着他能得到拯救。
He insisted that he willed his recovery .
他坚持说,他 想要复苏。
Tom foolishly willed away his whole fortune .
汤姆糊里糊涂地 立了 遗嘱,把他的全部财产 都 处理掉了。
She willed the house to her brother .
她在 遗嘱 中将房子给了她的兄弟。
I willed myself not to respond to his ridiculous claims .
我 努力 克制自己不去理会他那些可笑的要求。
The large sum of money that came to him when she died was a shock and he had not spent a penny of it on himself . He had however willed it to Frank .
她去世时他继承的那一大笔钱数额惊人,但他在自己身上未花分文,而是 将其 遗赠 给了弗兰克。
But she 's very strong willed .
因为她非常的 坚强。
The estate had been willed to his favourite granddaughter .
他的财产已被 遗赠 给了他最喜欢的孙女。
He had willed the blow higher but the tired muscles had not been able to obey .
他 本来 想打得高一点的,可是疲劳的肌肉不服从指挥。
NO.3 : I succeeded because I willed it .
我成功是因为我 有 决心。
I succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated .
我成功,因为 志 在要成功,绝不踌躇。
But God has willed this and we must obey god .
但上帝的 旨意我们不能违背。
He never willed this outcome .
他从来没有 想要这样的结局。
He willed his house to his nephew .
他 立 下 遗嘱,把房子留给侄子。
Even the strong - willed ones need a man around when there 's a spider or a wasp involved .
当看到一只蜘蛛或黄蜂时,即使 意志 力很强的女人也需要一个男人在身旁。
But all I heard all I willed myself to hear was the thudding of blood in my head .
但我所能听到的我 迫使自己听到的是脑袋里血液奔流的声音。
He willed most of his money to the orphanage .
他 立 遗嘱 把他大部分的钱都留给了孤儿院。
I willed my eyes to open and heaved myself over on to my back .
我 竭力睁开眼睛,费劲地翻过身来仰面躺着。
The priest said that she died because God willed it .
牧师说她死了是因为上帝的 旨意。
He willed his grandchildren $ 10000 each .
他 在 遗嘱 中 给了孙女孙子各人10000英镑。
Fate willed that we would part .
命运 注定了我们将会分开。
He willed the land to your mother .
他 把土地 赠与了你母亲。
This happened because God willed it .
发生了这件事是上帝的 旨意。
He willed most of his money to charities .
他 把钱大多 遗赠 给慈善机构了。
He was convinced h could win if he willed it enough .
他确信如果 意志 力足够强,他可能会赢。