will power

[wɪl ˈpaʊɚ][wil ˈpauə]


  • One may succeed according as one has ideal and will power .

    人的成功全在于理想和 意志

  • His will power is amazing .

    他那坚强的 毅力使人吃惊。

  • When you mention the will power every one knows it 's important to a kid .

    一说到培养 意志 ,人人都知道这对小孩子很重要。

  • We hope his administration will power our economy and politics up too .

    我们希望他的领导 激活我们的经济和政治。

  • I 've got enough will power to get you out of my life for good .

    我有了足够的 意志 来将你永远驱除出我的生命。

  • Will power shouldn 't be used for avoiding habits directly but for creating new habits ; a slight but crucial difference .

    意志 力量不应该用在直接阻止某些已成的习惯上面,而应该用在创造新的习惯上。这是一个轻微但关键的不同。

  • Electricity will power your coffee machine .

    有电 可以 启动你的咖啡机。

  • Determination is using your will power to do something even when it isn 't easy .

    决心是用 意志 力量去做事情,尽管不是很容易。

  • A growing body of research suggests that will power functions like a muscle .

    越来越多的研究显示,人的 意志 与肌肉在功能上很相似。

  • You might have thought resisting that piece of chocolate cake or extra biscuit was simply a matter of exerting a little will power .

    你也许会认为,抵住一块巧克力蛋糕和一块额外的饼干的诱惑,仅仅是发挥一点 意志 的问题。

  • Not only this but you literally cannot act otherwise in spite of all your conscious efforts or will power .

    不仅如此,事实上,即使你有意识地努力或是运用 意志 ,你还是非得如此行为不可。

  • That will power is used up every time you resist a habit and even when you 're under stress .

    即使在备受压力的情况下,你依然坚持这你的习惯,而 意志 力量将会在这个时候耗尽。

  • The biofuels or batteries that will power cars in the alternative future should beat petrol at today 's prices .

    将来消费者选择的角度,生物燃料或者电池 驱动汽车的价格会比汽油动力更有竞争力。

  • He felt the temptation and his will power weakened .

    他感觉到了那种不 抵挡的诱惑。

  • You know you have will power .

    你知道你有 功率

  • Seeing the will power strength and health I saw today made me smirk

    看到了 意志,力量和健康的我今天看到的令我傻笑

  • These successes help your will power grow .

    这些一步步的成功能助你培养 意志

  • With this famous quote Winston Churchill transpired succinctly that we have to have Will power not to quit when we face failures and not to serve our ego when we succeed .

    通过这句名言,丘吉尔向我们简洁有力地阐述了,当我们面队挫折时,我们得依靠 意志 力量去坚定而不是退却,面对成功,我们不应该仅限于个人的满足。

  • A gymnast needs will power and determination intelligence and creative expression of feelings .

    体操运动员 有坚强的 意志、决心,机智灵敏,并有对情感的创造性表达能力。

  • After learning also improved care for young children I have will power and spirit .

    经过学习也提高了我得意 和关爱幼儿的精神。

  • Confidence will power and mission ! These qualities are what China badly needs .

    中国现在最需要的不是新东方或疯狂英语,最需要的是信心、 意志和使命!

  • That 's why it 's critical that you muster up all of your will power to create a habit and not use your will power as the source of controlling your activities .

    那就是为什么你用尽你的 意志去创造一个好的习惯而非用你的意志力量作为你的控制你行为的源泉显得如此的重要。

  • Will power can 't do this for you because you only have a limited amount of will power .

    意志 力量不会为你做这些事,因为你拥有的意志是有限的。

  • It is much easier to find will power to do something new if you know exactly why you need it and how you are going to benefit from it .

    当你去做一件新鲜的事情时,假如你确切地知道你为什么要这样以及你将会从中获取何种益处的话,你 就会发现自己的 意志 更加 强大

  • He is a man of extraordinary will power .

    他是个具有非凡 意志的人。

  • This is not a failure of individual will power but a failure of political will at the highest level .

    这并非个人 意志 薄弱问题,而是最高层缺乏政治意愿所致。

  • We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries we must claim its promise .

    我们 不能把制造新就业机会和新行业的技术 让给其他国家,我们必须明确这一承诺。

  • You must use your will power to create new habits .

    你做不到持续地用你的 意志 去阻碍你做你习惯的事,所以你必须用你的 意志 去培养一个新的好的习惯。

  • And with our market share position and the breadth of our portfolio we will power through that transition and I think come up with a much more integrated approach .

    凭借我们的市场份额地位和丰富的产品组合,我们 有力地推动这个变革,同时开发出整合度更高的应用方案。