



  • And then after a wile companies start to make less performer card with average price range .

    然后,经过 诱骗,公司开始做那么多演员卡平均价格范围。

  • Some views on developing wile rod rolling in our country are put forward on the basis of analysis of modern wire rod rolling technology abroad .

    在分析国外现代线材轧机生产技术的基础上,提出发展我国 线材生产的几点看法。

  • Taking DNA molecule as a radiation system and sole nucleotide as a target we assume that one hit of the nueleotide wile produce a primary point mutation .

    本文将DNA分子作为一个辐射系统,假设以单个核苷酸为靶,辐射对 核苷酸的每一次击中都将造成一个原始点突变;

  • Hearing the news we couldn 't help lughing and jumping with wile joy .

    听到这个消息,我们不禁欣喜若狂, 又笑又蹦。

  • There is not any mustard ( chilli oil ) here . Could you fetch me some wile you are at it ?

    这儿没有 芥末油(辣椒油)了,给拿点来 吗?

  • We wile away the time diagnosing the patient .

    把诊断病人的时间 浪费掉好了。

  • The experiments show that the virtual temperature measurement instrument has a wile scope and flexible temperature measuring mode . If users choose the right sensors they can get the temperature from 0 to 1000 ℃ and the precision is rather high .

    系统的实测实验表明本虚拟测温仪 测温灵活,测温范围 ,选择合适的传感器,可 实现 0~1000℃范围内 测温,测温精度较高,既能 实现在线分析又能 实现离线处理。

  • Wile the control group was 70.3 % . The difference was significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

    对照组总有效率 70.3%,两组结果对比差异性显著(P<0.01)。

  • But after a wile you get tired of being worried about kids who aren 't even yours .

    可是不就你就 懒得担心了,他们又不是你的孩子。

  • After Jiang Chun-xuan writes his Disprove Wile 's Proof of Fermat 's Last Theorem with full evidence what are you going to do ?


  • The defect of current law system in China lies in aspects such as policy first wile legal vacancy stringent control with an abnormal responsibility legal conflict lagging behind the actual needs and so on .

    我国现有 民间 借贷法律规范体系的缺陷主要表现在政策先行, 专门法律 欠缺 管制 严,法律责任 法律冲突,滞后于现实需求等方面。

  • All the wile stock option is considered by experts of corporate governance as the effective incentive scheme to solve principal-agent problems .

    股票期权 一直一些 理论界人士认为是解决委托代理问题的有效激励措施。

  • Through the summarization on the exploration and measures for geological disaster of karst collapses at Tangshan stadium the experiences for the treatment of karst collapse are introduced which are effective and worth wile to use in engineering practice .

    笔者通过对唐山市体育场岩溶塌陷地质灾害勘察与治理工程的总结,介绍 读者 一些值得 推广和借鉴的经验,而且这些经验通过实践 证明是行之有效的。

  • The teahouse is a great place to wile away an evening .

    茶馆是消磨夜晚的 去处