wilderness area

[ˈwɪldənɪs ˈɛriə][ˈwɪldənɪs ˈɛəriə]

[法] 保留自然环境面貌的地区

  • The desert vegetation constitutes this local vegetation the main body . Its distribution is widespread occupies 81.85 % of the research area and fully has manifested the temperate zone arid wilderness area vegetation characteristic .

    荒漠植被构成此地区植被的主体,分布广泛、占研究区面积的81.85%,充分体现了温带干旱 荒漠 的植被特征。

  • Generally speaking the basic feature of the natural beauty of Hainan Province is like this : tropical island and wilderness area .

    海南自然美总体上最根本的特征是:热带的、海岛的、 荒野的大自然之美。

  • The largest wilderness area is the Boreal Forest .

    最大的 荒野 地区是北方森林。

  • Besides dropping in on Santa visitors to Lapland can enjoy trekking and skiing in Lemmenjoki Park with its dreamlike arctic landscape dense forests and free wilderness huts that dot the area .

    除了顺道拜访圣诞老人,前往拉普兰的游客也可以在“拉门乔基公园”享受徒步旅行与滑雪之乐,并欣赏它如梦似幻的北极圈风光、蓊郁的森林和这 辽阔 荒原上星罗棋布的小屋。

  • Discussion on Tackling of Wilderness for West Area of Jilin Province

    论吉林省 西部 荒漠化治理

  • Wind erosion makes these layered sandstone hills swirl in Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area .

    侵蚀和风化。风力使分层的沙岩山丘呈漩涡状在大峡谷朱红色的悬崖 荒凉 地域

  • Except where the Act expressly provides otherwise no commercial enterprise and no permanent roads are allowed within any wilderness area .

    除非法规具体规定之外,在 荒野 内禁止设立商业企业和永久性公路。

  • Particular problems have arisen under the Wilderness Act with respect to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota .

    荒野法案》在用于明尼苏达州北部的边境水域独木舟 地区时却产生了特殊的问题。

  • Water Conservancy Should be Gone Ahead of The Rest in Tackling Wilderness of West Area of Jilin Province

    治理吉林省 西部 荒漠化水利要先行