
[hwɪp raʊnd][hwip raund]


  • A whip-round for the office cleaners .

    为办公室清洁工 份子

  • You can have a quick whip-round . please !

    你可以 快点。求你了!

  • George said we can have another whip-round .

    乔治说可以再 一次 募捐

  • China charity is the part of the social security system so whip-round is greatly influenced by the government .

    中国的慈善事业 定位 是社会保障的一部分,所以 慈善 募捐的行政 色彩 特别浓厚。

  • And the public offering foundation shall be divided into national public offering foundation and regional public offering foundation according to the scope of areas of the whip-round .

    公募基金会按照 募捐 地域范围,分为全国性公募基金会和地方性公募基金会。