


  • I loved wintertime in Kabul .

    我喜欢喀布尔的 冬天

  • Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep .

    曾经有一年的 冬天,雪下得很大,积得很深。

  • The cabin is mainly used during wintertime as a basis for cross-country skiing in the nearby forests .

    小屋主要是在 冬季使用,并在此基础上在附近的森林越野滑雪。

  • Wintertime can mean a smaller workload .


  • In winter I adore the waddling babies balled up in warm puffball clothing while I snack on the delicious street-cooked wintertime noodle dish .

    冬日,我喜欢那些包裹在那温暖蓬松的衣服中的蹒跚 学步的幼儿,而我吃 那些美味的街头小吃。

  • While many other areas in the world are affected by the climate change and lack of snow Finnish XXX is sure to have snow in the wintertime .

    尽管世界上许多地区都受到气候变化影响乃至缺乏降雪,但冬天在芬兰的XXX白雪会 如期 而至

  • In this place you can see peach flowers not only springtime but also in wintertime .

    在这里啊,不仅春天能看到桃花, 冬天也能看到。

  • In China dog meat is prized as a nutritious wintertime dish .

    在中国,狗肉被视为 冬季 大补

  • It was wintertime then .

    那时正是 冬天

  • Summertime wintertime spring and autumn too .

    夏天, 冬天,春秋也都有。

  • A booth has also been constructed where visitors can observe the bears hibernating in the wintertime .

    还建了一个小间,参观者在那里能够观察 熊冬眠

  • He had a full beard that by wintertime could be pretty thick .

    冬天 时候,他的一脸大胡子很浓密。

  • The work collects by many state-level art museums and the overseas personal collector Wintertime swimming once was settled on by IOC President Samaranch and expresses the hope personal collection .

    作品被多家国家级美术馆和国外私人收藏家收藏,《 冬泳》曾经被国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇看中,并表示希望私人收藏。

  • Chill wind and sub-zero temperatures aren 't a complete barrier to wintertime exercise but it 's important to pay attention to whether conditions are too dangerous for an extensive workout .

    刺骨的寒风与低温并非 冬季运动的全部障碍,但重要的是要留意这些状况是否太危险而不适合大量的运动。

  • The coupled mode between the anomalous heating in the Kuroshio region and the North Pacific atmospheric circulation in wintertime


  • Lily : This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime when it 's very cold out .

    莉莉:这一件夹克就很适合 冬天外面很冷的时候。

  • In China dog meat is prized as a nutritious wintertime dish that doctors can prescribe to treat maladies such as impotence and poor circulation .

    在中国,狗肉被视为 冬季营养佳品,医生也会开处方用狗肉治疗阳痿和血液循环不畅等疾病。

  • In wintertime the temperature would drop to13-15 degrees Celsius by morning .

    冬天 时候早上的温度会掉到13-15摄氏度。

  • It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime .

    它是水牛在 寒冬中呼出的一 口白气。

  • The relationship between wintertime blockings in the North Hemisphere and North Atlantic Oscillation

    北半球 冬季阻塞环流与 NAO之间的关系

  • In wintertime he will don a wet suit and go right on surfing .


  • The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds .

    极地涡旋是 冬季风形成的一个风系。

  • All the fish would freeze in the wintertime .

    所有的鱼都会在 冬天结冰。

  • The Structures and Evolutions of the Wintertime Southern Branch Trough in the Subtropical Westerlies


  • The role of cold air and characteristics of water vapor in both 0428 and 7427 typhoons that made landfall on China in wintertime

    冬季登陆我国的 0428和7427号台风过程的冷空气作用和水汽特征

  • We Chinese have a custom of eating tonic food during wintertime .

    我们中国人有 冬季吃补品的习惯。

  • A dry cough ; that rare thing in the wintertime ; a small child with a dry nose .

    干咳; 冬天 少有的事情:小孩子的鼻子 是干的。

  • To cut transportation costs and feed the market in the wintertime more produce is grown in greenhouses .

    为了降低运输成本和满足市场要求,在 冬季 植物 大多的是生长在温室里的。

  • They often collect more food than they need and they store food away for the wintertime .

    它们常常收集很多食物,超过它们的需要,它们将食物藏起来,供 冬天 食用