
[计] Winsock文件

  • The TCP / IP protocol and WinSock technology are applied to design and realize communication software .

    应用TCP/IP协议和 WinSock(套接字)通讯技术,完成了仿真系统通讯软件的设计与实现;

  • Use Winsock provides API functions is the most basic network programming .

    使用 Winsock提供的API函数是最基本的网络编程技术。

  • The full text explain in detail with principle of the TCP connection principle of the WINSOCK the basic principle of the port scan and the scan method .

    全文对TCP建立连接的原理, WINSOCK原理,端口扫描技术的基本原理和扫描方式都进行了比较详细的介绍。

  • The key technique for network program is WINSOCK .

    本系统的关键技术是 WINSOCK的网络编程。

  • IP multicast technology and WinSock control components programming theory are studied .

    对IP多播技术、 WinSock控件编程原理进行了研究。

  • The realization of database serial port communication and Winsock communication modules were explained in detail .

    文中着重讨论了数据库模块、串口通信模块和 Winsock通信模块的实现方法。

  • If you 've had any experience with Winsock or BSD Sockets you 've probably come across the function accept .

    如果曾经有过使用 Winsock或BSDSocket进行编程的经验,就很可能具备accept函数的使用经验。

  • There are two other resource constraints that an application indirectly encounters when using Winsock .

    在使用 Winsock时还可能碰到另外两个非直接的资源不足情况。

  • The problems of data transmission in video monitor system via network were solved by using the winsock .

    在介绍 Winsock网络编程接口原理的基础上,详细说明了如何利用Winsock编程解决网络视频监控系统中的数据传输问题。

  • Winsock error : too many levels of symbolic links .


  • Then the procedure of implementing network communication using Winsock is discussed .

    讨论了利用 Winsock编程实现网络通信的过程;

  • The Application of Winsock to Tank DIS System


  • Development of Network Communication Module with WinSock

    基于 WinSock的网络通信模块开发

  • User application module focuses on Visual C + + 6.0 MFC and Winsock API technology .

    系统用户界面模块主要采用Visualc++6.0MFC类库和 WinSockAPI技术。

  • Design and Implementation of a Chat Program Based on Winsock

    一种基于 WinSock的局域网聊天程序的设计与实现

  • This article describes the CAMAC communication server software which applies Winsock and multithread techniques .

    叙述了应用 Winsock技术与多线程技术实现高性能的CAMAC通信服务器程序。

  • Winsock-based Program of Monitoring E-mail Backstage

    基于 WinSock的电子邮件后台监听程序设计

  • Research of Winsock Network Programming Compatible with IPv4 & IPv6

    兼容IPv4与IPv6的 Winsock网络编程研究

  • Research of Remote Control Experiment Based on Winsock and SQL Server

    基于 Winsock和SqlServer的远程控制实验研究

  • Communicate software designing of wave make system based on Winsock

    基于 Winsock类开发的造波机控制系统通讯软件设计

  • With utilizing much thread thought and WinSock technology it has solved the data transmission problem .

    利用多线程思想和 WinSock技术解决了数据传输问题。

  • The application of Winsock in the data transmission of network RTK


  • This system adopts the popular Client / Server pattern combined with advanced Winsock communications and powerful ADO database access .

    该系统采用了目前流行的客户机/服务器模式,结合了先进的 WinSock通信方法和功能强大的ADO数据库访问技术。

  • Internal error : there are not enough Winsock buffers available to execute the transactions .

    内部错误: winsock缓冲区不足,无法执行事务处理。

  • Based on Winsock Control of Network Programming Technology

    基于 WinSock的网络编程技术

  • Unable to initialize the network layer ! Check your winsock for errors .

    无法初始化网络层!检查 winsock是否有错误。

  • Use Winsock Control to Design UDP Program

    使用 Winsock控件编写UDP应用程序

  • WINSOCK programming using the PC network control process .

    利用 WINSOCK编程实现了上位机网络控制过程。