wet dressing

[wɛt ˈdrɛsɪŋ][wet ˈdresiŋ]


  • Conclusion : There is satisfied curative effect using basic treatment plus wet dressing of Chinese herbs for acute eczema with dampness and heat stagnation pattern .

    结论:治疗急性湿疹湿热证,基础治疗加中药万灵散水煎剂 湿 疗效优于基础治疗加达里波氏液湿敷。

  • Methods 149 patients with bedsores were randomly divided into two groups . Group A was the therapy group of wet dressing and group B was the routine group .

    方法将149例压疮患者随机分为甲乙两组,甲组为 湿敷料治疗组,乙组为常规治疗组。

  • Conclusion Hot and wet dressing with 50 % HongHua alcohol is a simple and good method to treat the venous inflammation caused by injecting mannitol by vein which can protect the patient ' vein and reduce their pain .

    结论采用50%红花酒精热 湿 甘露醇所致静脉炎效果优于用50%硫酸镁湿敷。

  • Wet dressing with gentamicin offers benefit on healing the wound infection of the community elderly and has the advantage over the traditional dressing .

    社区老人切口感染庆大霉素 湿 疗效肯定,比传统换药组有治疗优势。

  • Establishment of sinoatrial node damage model in canine induced by formaldehyde wet dressing of sinoatrial node aera

    窦房结区甲醛 湿 法建立犬窦房结损伤模型

  • METHODS : Thirty outpatients ( 9 men and 21 women with the average age of 47 . 1 years old ) were treated with Concha meretricis Seu cyclinae powder and 0 . 02 % furacilin solution by wet dressing or external use twice daily for three weeks .

    方法:30例病人均来自门诊(男9例,女21例,平均年龄47.1岁),蛤壳粉外涂及0.02%呋喃西林溶液冷 湿 ,每日2次,共3周。

  • Observation of the effect of wet healing dressing on the therapy for bedsore and analysis of cost benefit

    湿性愈合 敷料治疗压疮的效果观察与成本效益分析

  • Nursing for Patients Offered Wet Healing Dressing Together with Leak-proof Materials for Treatment of Peri-intestinal Opening Abscess

    联合应用 湿性愈合 敷料及防漏材料治疗肠造口周围脓肿患者的护理

  • Conclusions Ultrasonic atomization was effective as wet dressing therapy on acute dermatitis and eczema patients .

    结论采用超声雾化法治疗急性皮炎湿疹效果与 湿 法相当。

  • Objective To explore the curative effect of using 75 % alcohol for wet dressing to treat venous medicine exosmosis .

    目的探讨75%酒精 湿 治疗静脉药液外渗的疗效。

  • To observe the effect of hot and wet dressing with 50 % HongHua alcohol in the venous inflammation caused by injecting mannitol and summarize the key points of nursing .

    目的观察50%红花酒精热 湿 治疗甘露醇静脉滴注所致静脉炎的效果及总结护理要点。

  • Objective To investigate the effect and cost benefit of wet healing dressing on the therapy for bedsore .

    目的探讨 湿性愈合 敷料对压疮的疗效和成本效益。

  • An Experimental Study of Wet Dressing with Cerium Nitrate in the Treatment of Wound Skin

    硝酸铈对皮肤缺损 创面愈合作用的实验研究

  • The curative effect of magnesium sulfate hot / wet dressing cooperating with infrared in the treatment of vulval edema

    硫酸镁 湿 热敷协同同步远红外线照射治疗外阴水肿疗效观察

  • The experiment group was given the magnesium sulfate hot / wet dressing cooperating with infrared for 20 minutes twice per day .

    实验组采用硫酸镁 湿 热敷协同同步远红外线照射每日2次,每次20min。

  • Wet system of evacuating Analysis on the Problems of the Slurry Pump in the Ore - dressing Plant and Application of ZJ Slurry Pump

    (用喷水空气泵抽空的装置) 湿体系抽空 选矿厂渣浆泵存在问题分析及ZJ渣浆泵的应用

  • Objective Analysis and summary of the treatment by using 50 % magnesium sulfate to wet dressing maxillofacial region indurations .

    目的总结50%硫酸镁 湿 颌面部硬结的应用疗效。

  • Study on the effect of reducing repeated scalp vein puncture rate by alcohol wet dressing

    酒精 湿 降低头皮静脉重复穿刺率的作用研究

  • Results : Local wet dressing of 654-2 could effectively relieve pain caused by intravenous infusion of irritant drugs there was significant difference in the comparison of the effectiveness between the two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

    结果:654-2局部 湿 能更有效地减轻静脉滴注刺激性药物引起的疼痛,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

  • Objective To compare the curative effect of ultrasonic atomization and wet dressing therapy .

    目的比较超声雾化和 湿 外用对急性皮炎湿疹的临床疗效。

  • This paper introduced the dry structure and wet structure of viscose filament yarn knitted fabric and compared the moisture-absorbent properties of the medically used viscose filament yarn knitted wound dressing fabric medically used woven fabric viscose and polyester non-woven fabric and calcium alginate non-woven fabric .

    介绍了黏胶长丝针织物的干态及 湿润 的结构,对黏胶长丝针织医用 敷料、机织医用敷料、黏胶涤纶非织造布和海藻酸钙非织造布的吸湿性能进行了对比。

  • Group B : 36 patients ( 49 eyes ) were treated with mitomycin wet dressing .

    治疗B组:36例(49只眼),丝裂霉素局部 湿

  • Study on therapeutical effect of wet dressing with insulin plus rifampin on diabetic foot

    胰岛素加利福平 湿 法对糖尿病足的疗效研究

  • Objective To study the effect of preventing solution exosmosis during scalp vein transfusion by alcohol wet dressing .

    目的探索酒精 湿 在预防头皮静脉输液中液体外渗,降低重复穿刺率方面的作用。

  • The idea is to develop from classical dry healing to modern wet healing which was the foundation of production and development of keep-wet dressing .

    其理念正由传统的干性愈合向现代化的 湿性愈合发展,从而奠定了保湿 敷料的产生和发展。