
[wɪðˈdrɔn, wɪθ-][wɪðˈdrɔ:n]


v.取回,收回( withdraw的过去分词)

  • The offer has been withdrawn .

    那个报价已经 撤销了。

  • Their money is withdrawn the company vanishes .

    他们的钱已经被 了,公司也消失了。

  • The SSI had not only withdrawn its own men emptied its prisons and destroyed archives ;

    国家安全调查局的所有人员不仅 撤退了,并且还清空了其监狱,毁灭了所有的档案;

  • Government forces were withdrawn from the island yesterday .

    政府军队昨天从岛上 撤离了。

  • The troops are being gradually withdrawn .

    部队正在慢慢地 撤退

  • Many more have withdrawn before their names were made public .

    更多人则在名字公诸于众之前就 退出了提名。

  • Her husband had become withdrawn and moody .

    她丈夫变得 沉默寡言、喜怒无常。

  • He became very withdrawn and broody .

    他变得非常 沉默抑郁。

  • They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri .

    他们本可退到山中要塞 埃利里去。

  • Work parties were withdrawn and two groups of observers landed in helicopters .

    工作队 下了,两个观察小组登上了直升飞机。

  • The garrison was immediately withdrawn .

    卫戍部队立即 撤走了。

  • The current level of service will be maintained except that the evening ' Network Express ' trains will be withdrawn .

    除了“铁网特快”夜班列车将会 开外,目前的运营线路会保持下去。

  • The toy was withdrawn from sale because there was a flaw in the design .

    因为设计上有缺陷,这种玩具 停止销售了。

  • The tax cuts were withdrawn this year .

    减税政策在今年 取消了。

  • Along with the Saudis Qatar and Kuwait have withdrawn their ambassadors to Damascus .

    与沙特一样,卡塔尔和科威特也分别 召回了驻大马士革大使。

  • The summons was withdrawn .

    传票被 撤回

  • He 's been very quiet and withdrawn sort of different somehow

    不知什么缘故,他最近十分沉默,有点 异样

  • As soon as the necessity for action is over the troops must be withdrawn

    一旦军事行动的必要性不 存在,军队就必须 撤出

  • After a failed military offensive all government troops and police were withdrawn from the island .

    在一次军事进攻失败之后,所有政府军和警察均从岛上 撤离了。

  • Russian troops stationed in Lithuania had withdrawn to Russia one year earlier .

    俄驻立陶宛的军队早在一年前 撤回了俄罗斯。

  • Our forces have been withdrawn from the danger area .

    我们的部队已经 撤出危险地带。

  • The United States has withdrawn the remaining staff from its embassy

    美国已经 撤回了大使馆的剩余人员。

  • Several shareholders have withdrawn earlier acceptances of the offer .

    几个股东对于先前同意的报价又 反悔了。

  • Have you withdrawn our troops from the Japanese embassy ?

    撤出 包围日本使馆的部队了吗?

  • Surely if the woman had any decency at all she 'd have withdrawn at once

    当然如果这个女人懂点礼节的话,她会马上 离开

  • All complaints were withdrawn acknowledging mckinley 's irreproachable character .

    所有的控告都 撤回了,麦金利无可指责的品德得到承认。

  • He said that 18 months ago many private sector finance companies and banks had withdrawn from the car market .

    他表示,18个月前,许多私营金融服务公司和银行都 撤出了汽车市场。

  • Mark was withdrawn and uncontrollable

    马克 沉默寡言,难以管束。