
[ˈhwækɪŋ, ˈwæk-][ˈwækɪŋ]


v.重击,使劲打( whack的现在分词 )

  • Maybe you don 't feel like you 're whacking us with a stick but we certainly feel like we 've been whacked with a stick .

    也许,你不感觉好象你用棍 重击我们,但是我们必然感觉到我们已被棍重击了。

  • With his right hand he unrelentingly kept whacking me with that umbrella .

    而右手则不停地用伞来 我。

  • They were fined a whacking ? 100000 .

    他们被罚了10万英镑的 巨款

  • They dug this whacking great hole .

    他们挖了这样 惊人的洞。

  • A pair of fat whacking feet in the footsteps of India in the hospital 's birth certificate .

    一双胖 脚丫的足迹印在了医院的出生证明上。

  • She 's here to stop you from whacking ari .

    她来这儿是为了阻止你 追捕 ari

  • Williamson 's umbrella and started whacking pencil sharpeners and glue sticks across the room like the guy 's playing baseball .

    最出奇的是我的朋友 威廉森先生的雨伞把 什么笔呀,固体胶啊,像打棒球一样

  • Just her like whacking away with the skillet .

    只有她 才会用煎锅 自己

  • We had a whacking phone bill this month .

    我们这个月电话费 账单大得 不得了。

  • But force repayment and you feel like a hit man whacking kneecaps for a measly two bucks .

    但如果强行要回钱,又会感到自己在为 区区两、三块钱下 手,简直像个职业杀手。

  • He waited until his father had gone to avoid another whacking .


  • Remi stop sniggering or I 'll give you a whacking .

    利比,别再 偷笑,否则我会打你。

  • Rather than paying a whacking advance to one author it has invited everyone to contribute to the book on the web .

    如今出版商不是向一位作者支付 巨额的定金,而是邀请每个 人为网络书籍供稿。

  • They 're whacking me for playing both sides .

    他们在 攻击我两面 讨好

  • Originating from Scotland in the15th century the game involves whacking a small white ball around a large field and trying to make it land in a series of eighteen tiny holes in the ground .

    15世纪,高尔夫 开始 出现在苏格兰,这项运动要求在一 宽阔的草地上,用球杆将一个白色的小球 打进18个小洞。

  • All of a sudden John Gotti came in and without speaking to anybody went over to the card table and started whacking a guy with a bat almost beating the guy to death .

    高提突然冲进来,不发一语,直接走向牌桌用球棒开始 揍人,那人差点没命。

  • It was the very same man who now as I 'm writing keeps whacking me mechanically and impassively with an umbrella .

    结果我发现,就是这个我正在 谈论的男人在 我,他现在 不停地用伞 我, 动作机械、毫无表情。

  • The supermarkets may be making whacking profits .

    超市可能都在赚 大钱

  • Do try to stop that boy whacking all the flower heads off with his stick .

    一定要设法阻止那个男孩 棍子把那些 花头打掉

  • You tee off on the plastic turf whacking your ball against the screen .

    你在塑料草地 发球,对着屏幕 用力 猛击

  • His firm is just one player in a whacking great industry he explains .

    泰勒解释道, 不过是一个“ 举足轻重”的行业中的一家企业。

  • Meanwhile a slew of Web2.0 companies such as Ning Hi5 and Digg are replacing CEOs eliminating free services whacking employees or becoming social-gaming companies .

    与此同时,一系列的Web2.0公司,如Ning,Hi5,andDigg正在更换CEO,取消免费服务, 裁减员工,或转向社交游戏。

  • Fortunately concepts like extreme programming and agile development have made it possible to get a lot of these same benefits without an entire team of people whacking on your code .

    所幸的是,由于极限编程和敏捷开发这些概念的 出现即使没有整个团队的人来 锤炼代码,在 很大 程度 ,您也能获得同样的收益。

  • Strong pair of arms . Whacking a carpet on the clothesline . Hang ( out ) the clothes on the line .

    有着一双结实的胳膊, 嘭嘭 拍打 在晾衣绳上的地毯。