


v.使潮湿,把…弄湿( wet的过去式和过去分词 )

  • It can eliminate adhesion stress of noodle organization reduce rate of broken and wetted flour enhance rate of quality goods ; furthermore it can restrain the acid of noodle .

    它可改良面条组织的粘结力,减少断头率和 湿回头率,提高正品率,还对挂面的酸度有抑制作用。

  • Edmond felt the trembling of the rock beneath which he lay ; the waves dashing themselves against it wetted him with their spray .

    爱德蒙觉得他身下的岩石都在抖动,凶猛的波浪冲到花岗岩上, 了他一身的水。

  • Mesh generation is the key step of hydrodynamic calculation . A method of mesh generation is presented for floating bodies with complex wetted surface .

    网格划分是水动力计算的关键环节,文中针对复杂形状海洋浮体提出了一种 湿表面网格划分方法。

  • Mercury wetted reed switches are constructed in the same way as dry reed switches with the addition of a small amount of mercury inside the glass tube .

    水银 湿簧开关与干簧继电器的构造方式相同,仅仅是在玻璃管内部增加了少量了的水银。

  • She wetted her hair and then put shampoo on it .

    她把头发 弄湿后抹上洗发剂。

  • The penetrant shall remain in a wetted condition on the surface for .

    渗透剂在表面保持 湿润 时间应。

  • The colour will not be evenly fixed unless the cloth is first properly wetted out .

    如果不把布 用水 浸透,那么就不会均匀地着色。

  • All Stainless Steel lid tank shell wetted parts and fittings .

    全不锈钢盖,罐,贝壳, 湿零件及配件。

  • Rainwater wetted them earth buried them and sunshine warmed them .

    雨水将它们 润湿,泥土将它们埋藏,阳光给它们温暖。

  • The young man had been washing himself as was visible by the glow on his cheeks and his wetted hair .

    那个年轻人刚洗完了澡,这可以从他脸上的光彩和他的 湿头发 看得出来

  • Sudden drawdown also occurs at low tide behind any sea wall which is wetted at high tide .

    在高潮时 浸湿的任何海堤的后面,当低潮时也会出现急遽的 水面降落现象。

  • Seated on the bus I carried a wet umbrella with water drop by drop and water wetted the bus floor .

    我提着一把湿淋淋的伞座在巴士上,水一滴一滴地往下掉, 弄湿了巴士的地板。

  • The heavy rain wetted us through .

    大雨 我们 了。

  • Activated metal surface is easily wetted by the molten solder .

    有活性的金属表面容易被熔融焊料 浸湿

  • The all stainless body chest and packing chamber provide durability and integrity for all wetted parts .

    所有不锈钢阀体、阀腔和填料腔等所有与 流体 介质 接触的部件都 采用坚固耐用、一体式结构。

  • Excluded from this zone are surfaces that are wetted only during major storms .

    不包括暴风雨期间仅表面 湿的区域。

  • Do you believe that the beautiful girl of your class wetted the bed yesterday ?

    你相信你们班的那个漂亮的女孩昨天 尿炕了?

  • Mercury wetted relays have a higher current handling capability and longer lifetimes than dry reed relays .

    与干簧继电器相比,水银 湿 继电器具有更高的电流处理能力和更长的寿命。

  • Application of wetted perimeter method in determining critical point of river eco-environment water demand


  • The case and wetted parts comprise stainless steel and are thus resistant to chemically aggressive media .

    外壳和 介质 浸润部分是由不锈钢制成,这样就能抵抗介质的化学腐蚀。

  • The baby wetted the bed again .

    这个婴儿又 尿床了。

  • The child wetted the bed again .

    这孩子又 尿床了。

  • The control of oxidation of pyrite inoculated with thiobacillus ferrooxidans under the conditions of the wetted and the dried by organic salt coating at30 ℃ was conducted .

    于30℃时研究了有机盐包膜对 湿润和干燥条件下经接氧化亚铁硫杆菌的黄铁矿氧化的控制作用。

  • Among the more common types are electromechanical contactor dry reed mercury wetted reed and solid state .

    (继电器簧片的)绝缘块在常见的类型中,包括机电式、接触器式、干簧式、水银 继电器和固态 继电器

  • Wetted parts : All Austenitic stainless steel and Stellite 6 .

    接触 液体的部件:奥氏体不锈钢和钨铬钴合金6。

  • The bulb of a thermometer is covered with a close fitting cotton wick which is kept wetted with water .

    在温度计的球上,缠着一层配合紧密的棉芯,并用水使其保持 湿润

  • Wetted parts : All Austenitic stainless steel and / or Stellite 6 . Bronze wedges available .

    接触 液体的部件:全部都是奥氏体不锈钢和/或钨铬钴合金6。也可提供青铜楔板。

  • Improved research on wetted perimeter method to calculate minimum stream ecological discharge

    对计算河道最小生态流量 湿周法的改进研究

  • YS1 ( YS-1 ) Ceramic Capacitance Pressure Transmitter has many range connection types and wetted materials .
