wireless station

[ˈwaɪrlɪs ˈsteʃən][ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈsteiʃən]


  • A Unit with Functions of Spectrum Monitoring Self-excitation Detection and Isolation Degree Test for Wireless Relay Station

    无线 通信同频中继 的频谱监测、自激检测与隔离度测试功能单元设计

  • Concerning the current needs in the transferring procedure of hydraulic fracturing construction scheme of applying wireless data transference in communication is presented in this paper transferring the data of hydraulic fracturing construction to the monitoring system by wireless broadcast station .

    针对压裂施工过程中传输方便的需要,本文提出了采用无线数据传输技术进行通讯的方案,将压裂施工现场的数据通过 无线 电台传给压裂监督系统。

  • It is applied in device of broadband integrated service access such as DSLAM wireless station of3G and all kinds of optical access system .

    该产品主要应用于数字用户线访问复用器(DSLAM)、第三代 无线地面机 、及各类光接入系统等宽带综合业务接入设备。

  • The noise change of wireless network base station after the introduction of CDMA repeater and the impact of repeater time delay on system search window parameter are analyzed testing method used here is given and suggestion on setting repeater parameter is presented .

    分析了CDMA直放站对 无线网络 基站产生的噪声影响和直放站时延对系统搜索窗参数的影响,介绍了本文所采用的测试方法和直放站工程参数设置建议。

  • Using the wireless broadcasting station and carrying on data transmission ;

    运用 无线 电台进行数据传输;

  • In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station ;

    在你我的心中都存在着一个 无线 电站

  • This paper proposes a practical plan for a unit with functions of spectrum monitoring self-excitation detection and isolation degree test which is suitable for current wireless relay station .

    提出了一种实用的应用于现有 无线通信直放 的具有频谱检测、自激检测和隔离度测试功能的单元设计方案。

  • As one of the most influential television media TVB is the first commercial wireless television station in Hong Kong and its program has made profound influence in the entire Southeast Asia .

    TVB作为全球最有影响力之一的电视媒体,是全港首家商营 无线电视 ,其制作的节目在整个东南亚地区都有着深远的影响。

  • A lithium storage battery and inner batteries supply the power for the system . A wireless broadcasting station for instruction communication or a transmitter-receiver for microwave instructions is used .

    系统采用锂蓄电池及内置电池供电,选择 无线电指令通讯 电台或微波指令发射/接收机。

  • And you you 're just my wireless station .

    而你,你就是我的 灯塔

  • It bases on a general used hardware platform and uses software programming to implement different function of wireless broadcasting station which means reduce analog parts and make the digital processing as much as possible close to the antenna .

    它的基本思想是在一个硬件平台的基础上,通过软件编程来实现 无线 电台的各种功能,也就是减少模拟环节,将数字化处理尽可能的靠近天线。

  • Based on these bands there are many kinds of wireless coverage networks in high speed railway communication system such as wireless station coaxial cable leakage .

    以这些频带为基础的高速铁路通信系统,存在着多种无线覆盖方式,如 站台、漏泄同轴电缆等。

  • In general the closer you are to a wireless base station the lower the power output .

    一般而言,离 基站越近, 手机的功率输出越低。

  • Analysis on the channels and influences of the invading of lightning to the wireless communication base station

    雷电入侵 无线通信 基站的渠道与影响分析

  • Design and Realization of Control System of Interactive Wireless Bus Station Announcement by Embedded Information

    嵌入式信息 无线交互城市公交报 控制系统的设计与实现

  • A cross-coupling dielectric resonator cavity bandpass filter is designed and simulated which is used in the wireless base station .

    设计并仿真了一种用于 无线 基站中的交叉耦合介质腔体滤波器。

  • In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station so long as it receives messages of beauty hope cheer courage and power from men and from the infinite so long are you young .

    你我心中都有一 天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好希望欢乐勇气和力量的信号,你就会青春永驻,风华长存。

  • In recent years the development of mobile communications was rapid the size of the network of mobile communication enterprises was being in an exponential increase including wireless base station resources management more and more attention .

    近年来,移动通信事业在飞速向前发展,移动通信企业的网络规模呈指数上升,其中 无线 基站资源的管理越来越被重视。

  • In 802.11e enhanced Distributed coordinate function ( EDCF ) allows wireless station to access the channel by contention .

    这个协议所提出的基于竞争接入信道的机制称为增强型分布式协调方式( EDCF)。

  • According to the system need the research has constructed under the monolithic integrated circuit control modem module the modem and the wireless military station 's interface module in the wireless data transmission system aspect .

    根据系统的需要,在无线数据传输系统方面构建了单片机控制下的调制解调器模块、调制解调器与 无线军用 电台的接口模块等。

  • Digital Amplifier & Booster for 3G Wireless Base Station

    数字放大器&3G 无线 基站的助推器

  • Although Doherty is the mainstream PA in modern wireless base station there are many problems to be solved .

    Doherty虽然是现在 无线 基站中的主流,但是实际的设计却存在较多的问题。

  • Test results show that the performances of the wireless based station are good which meet the actual application requirements .

    测试结果表明,该 基站 网络性能好,能满足实际应用的要求。

  • The Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility Technique in Broadband Wireless Access Base Station

    宽带 无线接入 基站电磁兼容技术的研究

  • Characteristic Impedance Analysis for RF Coaxial Cable Used in Wireless Base Station

    无线 基站用射频同轴电缆的特性阻抗分析

  • Method and Steps of the Lightning Protection and Checking with the Mobile Communication in Wireless Transmission Basic Station

    手机通信 无线 基站防雷检测方法和步骤

  • While the Digital Intermediate Frequency technology is one of the pivotal technology in the wireless base station system .

    而数字中频技术是 无线 基站传输系统中的关键技术之一。