white conspiracy

[hwaɪt kənˈspɪrəsi][hwait kənˈspirəsi]

[法] 白色阴谋

  • Thus most white middle-class Westerners believe that the US killed Osama bin Laden whereas most Pakistanis seem to believe his death was faked as part of some conspiracy .

    所以,大多数西方中产阶级 白人相信美国击毙了奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen),而大多数巴基斯坦人似乎相信,拉登的“死”是伪装的,是个 阴谋

  • Mr White got embroiled in that political conspiracy .

    怀特先生被卷进了那起政治 阴谋

  • In 2002 most white middle-class westerners believed that Argentina had collapsed due to absurd economic policies whereas many Argentines blamed a conspiracy led by the International Monetary Fund .

    大多数西方中产阶级 白人相信,是荒唐的经济政策导致了阿根廷2002年的崩盘,而大多数阿根廷人则认为这是以国际货币基金组织(IMF)为首制造的一场 阴谋

  • One sometimes wonders if there 's any morality in politics . Mr White got embroiled in that political conspiracy .

    有时人们怀疑,政治上是否有道德可言。 怀特先生被卷进了那起政治 阴谋