where it's at

[hwɛr ɪts æt][hwɛə its æt]


  • This party 's really where it 's at man !

    啊,这个晚会 真棒

  • Doing this means you won 't tie your composite to where it 's deployed and you won 't need to change it if you need to move it to a different host or port at some point .

    这样做意味着,您不会将组合 与其部署 位置绑定,并且 某个时候需要将组合移动到不同的主机或端口时,您将不需要更改此信息。

  • At some point you 're going to hit a well here which is the point where it 's most stabilized or at its lowest energy .

    直到某一时刻,你会到达这个势阱, 就是体系最稳定,或者说能量最低的 位置

  • Where does it come from first ? Let 's look at this poster .

    首先 来自 哪里?让 我们 这副广告画。

  • The give and take is where it 's at ! Got it ?

    要把握 恰到好处,明白?

  • In a world where technology can be used to incite civil unrest and take down a government it 's no wonder that governments around the world are looking at ways to'manage'electronic communications .

    在一 技术可以被用来煽动内乱,并采取了政府的世界, 难怪,世界各地的政府都 研究如何'管理'电子通信寻找。

  • Where is your school ? It 's at the foot of Yu Shan hill .

    你们的学校 哪儿 虞山 脚下

  • So I can either show you where it 's at .

    所以我要么告诉你 东西 哪儿

  • The struggles within yourself-the invisible inevitable battles inside all of us-that 's where it 's at .

    真正的战斗在于战胜自我&我们每个人都要面临的 见又不可回避的战斗。

  • Most interiors as beautiful as this are cathedrals where it 's not exactly polite to lay on your back and stare up at the ceiling .

    一般像在大教堂的室内游泳池 背朝下面 对着天花板 不被人接受的。

  • I 'll show you where it 's at when your second shot catches up to it .

    我会告诉你 ,当你第二杆赶上的时候。

  • I always liked the cusp where something feels if it 's familiar but strange at the same time .

    一直以来我 喜欢东西能 同时 熟悉和怪异的 这个边缘上。

  • Where it concerns himself who 's angry at a slander makes it true .

    一涉及自己,忿怒 便会使诽谤成真

  • Where is the film showing ? & it 's on at the red star .

    影片 哪儿放映?& “红星” 上映

  • Rounding up your fare for taxi drivers is common in most countries apart from New Zealand and Chile where it 's not expected at all .

    在大多数国家, 坐出租车时给司机整数的费用是 普遍的,除了新西兰和智利。

  • Today if you want to get into the latest technology rage Ajax is where it 's at .

    今天,如果想跟上最新的技术时尚, 您的目标 就是Ajax。

  • I advise you to buy your skirt in Women 's Street ; that 's where it 's at .

    我劝你在妇女街买你的裙子, 那里 时髦货。

  • ' Isn 't China living in an era where it 's possible to look back at its hard past as just a memory ?

    中国现在不是处于一 可以回顾以往艰苦岁月 时代吗?