


  • Not shapely ; not well-proportioned and pleasing in shape .

    不匀称的; 不成比例、样子难看。

  • Well-proportioned geometrical dimension - ratio of micropore and molecule tropism could be acquired ;

    可得到 均匀的几何尺寸、孔隙率和分子取向;

  • Ms Fitness is the embodiment of the feminie comprehensive quality and ability art class sport event it requires contestant having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape muscles with clear and bright line overall physical constitution ; has a certain artistic culture and external elegant temperament .

    健身小姐是一项体现女性综合素质和能力的体育艺术类项目,它要求选手具有 匀称协调的体型,清晰明快的肌肉线条,身体素质全面、具有一定的艺术修养和高雅的外在气质。

  • Landscape heterogeneity was high each landscape type is comparatively well-proportioned ;

    景观异质性高,分布相对 均匀

  • On Miss T'ang 's charming well-proportioned round face were two shallow dimples ;

    唐小姐妩媚端正的圆脸,有两个浅 酒涡

  • Having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape .

    具有 匀称、美观的外形。

  • Is it the quiet clear well-proportioned room furnished with good taste and this sense of welcoming warmth which you feel ?

    是不是因为这间安静的,整洁的, 比例 匀称的,装饰得很有品位的屋子,以及你感受到的这种怡人的温暖感觉?

  • It was a large well-proportioned room handsomely fitted up .

    那是一间宽敞 舒适的大屋子,布置得很精致。

  • The packages are intact . The packing is beautiful . having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape .

    包装完好无损,很美观。具有 匀称、美观的外形。

  • The method can greatly improve curve quality . It provides theory guidance for constructing curve which is continuous glazed and well-proportioned based on the character and self-ralation about Bezier B-Spline and NURBS curve .

    并分析Bezier、B-Spline和NURBS自由曲线的优缺点及其相互联系,为建构连续、光滑、 均匀的高质量曲线提供理论指导。

  • The experimental results show that with the decrease of suspension density the crystal mean particle size rises and the crystal size distribution ( CSD ) becomes well-proportioned ;

    研究结果表明:随着悬浮密度的减少,晶体平均粒径增大,粒径分布变得 均匀

  • He has a well-proportioned form .

    他有 均匀的体态。

  • During the process preparing CoCO_3 using well-proportioned NH_4HCO_3 as precipitator continuously on the basis of the theory of crystallography and catalysts preparation the crystallization and growth processes and the other relative factors of spherical Co_3O_4 crystal prepared by chemical precipitation method were thoroughly analyzed .

    用NH 4HCO3连续 均匀沉淀制取碳酸钴的过程中,利用结晶学和催化剂制备的有关理论,深入分析了化学沉淀法制备球形CoCO3晶体的结晶和动态生长过程以及相关的影响因素。

  • He has a six-pack stomach and is extremely well-proportioned .

    他腹肌发达, 体型 完美

  • Molds that are too heavy require too much time to bring to temperature and awkward to handle a well-proportioned mold should last for many thousand shots .

    尺寸过大的模型把它加热到一定的温度需要很长时间且难以进行, 适当 比例的模型可以使用上千次。

  • Elegance : Elegance are often described as medium build symmetrical facial features well-proportioned physique and conservative attitude towards life .

    优雅:优雅通常认为是中等的身高,匀称的面容, 比例 良好的身型,对生活持保守的态度。

  • Cyclohexanol as the oil phase can afford a stable and homogeneous reaction environments . And we could get products with uniform size and well-proportioned distribution . There was no need of extreme temperature and press in the system and the equipment was simple and easy-controlled . 3 .

    环己醇形成油相,提供了一种高度均一的环境,得到的产品大小均一,分布 均匀,并且不需要极端的温度和压力,不需要其他的特殊仪器设备,易于操作。

  • The flat has high ceilings and well-proportioned rooms .

    这套公寓天花板很高, 房间 比例 均衡

  • Design of stepless controlling well-proportioned brightness light and its application on surface defects detection

    可连续调节亮度 均匀 照明光源设计及在表面缺陷检测中的应用

  • The investigation revealed that when constant current density was applied anodic film grew at an almost well-proportioned rate . Its thickness increased with treatment time and applied current density .

    研究表明:在恒电流条件下, AZ31 合金阳极膜的生长速率随着所施加的电流密度以及处理时间增大而增加,膜层厚度也随处理时间和施加电流密度的增加而增厚。

  • Formhe has a well-proportioned form .

    他有 匀称的体型。

  • If the energy arrives at surface of space structure is well-proportioned in space the heat flux of space structure would be equal to effective radiation area of space structure .

    空间环境中若投入能量是 均匀的,则到达空间结构表面的外热流只与空间结构在 投入能量 方向上的有效投影面积有关。

  • The Colorful Tea Customs of Limis Yi Race Decorated on all sides with beautiful well-proportioned sculptures relief sculptures and coloured drawings and patterns the group forms a magnificent work of art .

    绚丽多姿的彝族俐 人茶俗&云南凤庆县郭大寨乡团山村的调查 上各种造型优美、秀丽和谐的雕塑、浮雕、彩绘,组成了一座绚丽多姿的艺术之

  • Koolvin with a body well-proportioned about the middling a pair of intense big eyes has become the target of many pretty girls .

    酷文体形 匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女孩子追求的目标。

  • This year foreign trade in the new Pudong region shows characteristics of well-proportioned imports and exports and powerful growth .

    今年浦东新区外贸呈现进口与出口 比例 均衡、增长强劲的特点。

  • This system has the features of convenience operation 、 good repetition 、 high precision 、 well-proportioned and reliable run .

    系统具有操作方便、重复性好、 精度高, 均匀性好,运行可靠等特点。

  • The well-proportioned distribution of grain size of fine powder after dispersed affects the dissolution and precipitation reaction of sintering which is considered as the primary reason for the improvement of cermet mechanical properties .

    细粉分散后,颗粒大小的分布 均匀而影响了液相烧结中的溶解析出过程,这是金属陶瓷微观结构和性能得到改善的重要原因。

  • PSY was well-proportioned and coherent in ivory-white or light yellow .
