



  • Whereas S3 has objects located in buckets SimpleDB is logically defined as domains containing items .

    但是S3有对象位于bucket中, SimpleDB在逻辑上被定义为包含项目的域。

  • Movements and shapes can be perceived whereas all other details are swallowed in blurry light .

    观众虽能辨认出影像的形状和动作, 其他细节则淹没在模糊的光影中。

  • Whereas a dog 's constant pleas for attention become sometimes a bit too much .


  • WHEREAS the Licensor desires to design manufacture sell and export * by using Licensor 's know-how .


  • These gases trap the sun 's heat whereas sulphur dioxide cools the atmosphere .

    这些气体阻隔了阳光中的热量, 二氧化硫起到使空气变凉的作用。

  • He had never done anything for them whereas they had done everything for him .

    他从未为他们做过任何事, 反之他们却为他做了所有事。

  • You eat a massive plate of food for lunch whereas I have just a sandwich .

    你中午吃了一大盘食物, 我只吃了个三明治。

  • And whereas the Arctic has been exploited economically for centuries trade has never really touched antarctic .

    多少世纪以来,一直在北极进行经济开发, 但是,贸易却从未真正涉及过南极。

  • US economy has expanded enormously in the last five years whereas ours in contrast has declined .

    美国的经济在过去的5年中已经大规模的扩张, 然而我国的经济相比较下,呈现下降趋势。

  • You have control over that whereas you may not have control over the trolley car .

    你可以控制推还是不推, 你不能控制失控的电车。

  • Non-discounting methods ignore the time value of money whereas discounting methods explicitly consider it .

    非折现的方法未考虑货币时间价值, 折现方法明确考虑了这一点。

  • Whereas the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986 today it is barely growing .

    1981年到1986年间适龄工作人口增长了100万, 现如今该人口数却几乎没有增长。

  • She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners

    她散发出真正的魅力, 大多数人只是举止优雅。

  • Harassment is illegal whereas I have a subpoena .

    折磨是违法的, 尽管我有传票。

  • High-impact activities provide the most value whereas low-impact activities probably will not be implemented within most organizations .

    活动提供了很多价值, 反之降低了很多组织里可能执行的活动。

  • One 's life is finite whereas one 's passion for life is infinite .

    人的生命是有限的, 其对生命的热情却是无限的。

  • They want a house whereas we would rather live in a flat .

    他们想要一所房子,我们 宁愿住一套房间。

  • Whereas attractants repellents and other incitants are olfactory substances stimulants and deterrents are usually gustatory .


  • Whereas 10 years ago I would have worried myself to death about it now I accept it is part of the game

    10年前我会为此担 心得要命,但现在我接受了它是游戏的一部分。

  • The gal went out to the working society whereas the guy was overseas continuing his studies .

    女孩进入社会工作了, 男孩去了国外继续学业。

  • Whereas Rome and I shall still be here .


  • Retailers have a potentially high interest in the infrastructure whereas suppliers might not be as convinced .

    零售商对于这种基础建设可能比较有兴趣,供应商 未必对它信服。

  • The former is seen to be white and male dominated whereas society is not .

    企业被白人和男性所统治, 社会不是。

  • Whereas West Germans drink wine their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps


  • I hate whereas you merely dislike him .

    你不过不喜欢他,我 恨他。

  • Agricultural growth reduces the proportion of underweight children whereas non-agricultural growth does not .

    农业增长确实减少了体重偏轻的儿童比例, 在这一点上非农业增长无法做到。

  • Whereas hugging shows closeness shaking hands means there is a little more formality in the relationship .

    拥抱表示亲密, 握手意味着两人关系中更多了一些拘谨与礼节。

  • Pensions are linked to inflation whereas they should be linked to the cost of living

    养老金与通货膨胀挂钩, 然而它们其实应该和生活费用挂钩。