



  • A whirlwind catches me in midair and places me safely on the ground .

    一阵 旋风在半空中把我托住,使我安全返回地面。

  • Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind .

    种风收获 风暴 恶有恶报

  • If we sow to the wind we shall reap the whirlwind .

    如果我们风中播种,将来 必然收获 旋风现在 坏事将来 恶果)。

  • After a whirlwind courtship they married and went to live in Bath .

    经过一场 旋风 恋爱,他们结了婚,到巴斯生活去了。

  • Added a graphic effect to the fury and whirlwind skills .

    为刺客的狂怒和 野蛮 旋风增加了新的动画效果。

  • Following such a policy can only result in sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind .

    实行这种政策,只能是搬 石头 自己

  • In this whirlwind of the sepulchre in which they stood they laughed .

    在这座坟墓的 旋风中,他们还是嬉笑自如。

  • If you gave him a blackboard and a piece of chalk he would become a whirlwind of wisdom .

    如果你给他一块黑板和一截粉笔,他就会化身为智慧的 旋风

  • After a whirlwind courtship and a fairytale wedding the couple had settled down to an urban lifestyle .

    在一段 旋风 的热恋和一个童话式的婚礼之后,夫妻俩定居下来,过起了都市生活。

  • Whirlwind Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst have no innate hate .

    旋风 ,致死一击和嗜血没有先天仇恨。

  • He got married after a whirlwind romance .

    在一场 旋风 的恋爱后他很快就结婚了。

  • I hope you 've enjoyed this whirlwind introduction to the XFS filesystem .

    希望您喜欢这 对XFS文件系统的 快速介绍。

  • I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity

    我一直奔忙于英格兰南部地区, 应对一连串的活动

  • Oh a bit of a whirlwind romance then eh ?

    哦,他们像是有点 闪电恋爱了啊!

  • But it was a whirlwind romance for us too I guess .

    但对我们两个人来说,这是一种 旋风 的浪漫。

  • He 's riding the whirlwind .

    是在骑着 旋风

  • Whirlwind has a new sound .

    旋风 有了个新音效?

  • A tornado is one of the most violent and destructive whirlwind .

    龙卷风是一种最猛烈、最具破坏性的 旋风

  • Rampage : Can now be triggered by off-hand Whirlwind damage .

    暴怒:现在可由副手 旋风 伤害触发。

  • Marius had had a furnace in his brain all day long ; now it was a whirlwind .

    马吕斯这一整天脑子里 着一炉火,现在又 一阵 风暴

  • I 'm on that same building ; I fall and am swept to safety by a sudden whirlwind .

    我还是在那座楼的楼顶上,我摔下来时被一阵突然 来的 旋风 托住转危为安

  • It has been a whirlwind romance for the couple who began dating this summer .

    这对新人之间 闪电恋爱,今年夏天才开始约会。

  • Otherwise you get trapped in a whirlwind of multitasking where you start many things and finish nothing .

    否则你会陷入一个一心多用的 漩涡,那时你将在做许多事情却一件也完成不了。

  • He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy .

    在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱 风暴中,他被抛在了一边, 理睬

  • After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July .

    闪电 的恋爱后,两人在7月宣布订婚。

  • I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations where they were strangers .

    我必以 旋风 吹散他们到素不认识的万国中。

  • For they have sown wind And they will reap a whirlwind .

    7他们所种的是风,所收的是 旋风

  • They got married last year after a whirlwind romance .

    他们在 旋风 的恋爱之后于去年结婚了。

  • Whirlwind : critical strikes with the off-hand weapon from this ability can now trigger flurry and rampage .

    旋风 :现在通过该技能副手武器所产生的爆击可以触发乱舞和暴怒。

  • His way is in the whirlwind and the storm and clouds are the dust of his feet .

    他乘 旋风和暴风而来,云彩为他脚下的尘土。