The rationale behind this practice was to ward off evil as well-fed evil spirits would bring no harm to the blissful couple .
这个惯例后面的基本原理是 驱邪 避 凶, 好好 的 喂 饱 妖精就能防止幸福的夫妻受到伤害。
I was greeted in my room by a very well-fed rat who seemed a bit surprised by my arrival .
房间里欢迎我的是一 只 膘肥体壮的老鼠,它看到我进门似乎有点儿吃惊。
Their children are well-fed active and healthy .
他们的孩子都 喂养 得 很 好,活泼而又健康。
First of all it emphasizes that we should put our clothes away in a neat and orderly fashion and not be sloppy or messy . They were given their own blankets and burial food to keep them warm and well-fed during the afterlife .
首先还是强调衣物的摆放要整洁有序,不要随随便便,邋邋遢遢的。狗死后, 科里巴亚人在埋葬它们时会放上毯子和食物,以保证它们在 另一个世界 里 衣食无忧。
It can activate farmers ' enthusiasm and improve the production efficiency so that farmers can well-fed .
合理 的 土地 制度,可以调动农民的生产积极性,提高生产效率,这样农民 才能够 丰衣足食。
A well-fed man speaks scornfully of food .
一个 吃 得 饱 饱的人说食物是 不关重要的。
The quiet contentment of a well-fed child satisfied the tired mother .
饱 后 不 哭 不 闹的满足 状使疲惫的母亲很满意。
Very well-fed bears can be heavier .
吃 得好的 熊可能要重一些。
The well-fed don 't know how the starving suffer .
饱 汉不知饿汉饥。
Liberty is not easy but far better to be an unfettered fox hungry and threatened on its hill than a well-fed canary safe and secure in its cage .
做一只无拘无束的狐狸在荒山 野 岭是饥肠辘辘,危机四伏,比做一 只 饱食终日的金丝雀在笼子中安然无恙 得多。
Today it is possible for a woman on a modern high-fat diet to get pregnant while breast-feeding but in the Pleistocene it would have been an unusually well-fed woman who managed this feat .
如今通过现代高脂肪的膳食可能可以让正在母乳 喂养阶段的女人怀孕,但是在更新世,可以做到这点的必需是一个罕见的 营养 良好的女人。
If you think about a stereotypical rich person ( at least traditionally ) the image may resemble a well-fed cat that is almost never skinny .
如果勾勒一个富人的典型形象(至少是传统的),画面 很可能会是一只 肥硕的猫而从来不会是精瘦的猫。
He is a pleasant rotund little man ; he always looks very well-fed .
他是个可爱的矮胖子,看上去总像是 吃 得 很 好。
First the team found that even well-fed rats will work increasingly hard for sips of a vanilla milkshake with the right fat-sugar combo but that adding sugar steadily increases consumption .
首先,这个团队发现,即便是 喂食良好,大鼠还是要费力去吸吮含有糖脂复合物的香草饮奶器,糖量增加会增加牛奶的消耗。
Experts say that the well-fed post-90s generation are children of the Internet era .
专家称90后一代是 丰衣足食的一代,是生长在网络时代的一代。
Hung-chien and Hsin-mei dutifully remarked on how nice and well-fed the baby was and discussed whether he resembled his mother or his father .
鸿渐和辛 楣照例说这孩子长得好, 养得 胖,讨论他像父亲还是像母亲。
Their strong-limbed well-fed horses heads rearing and ears pricking look lifelike and alert ready to charge forward in an instant .
战马 膘肥体壮,昂首耸耳,目睁口张,那种一跃即发的神态,栩栩如生。
They found that the well-fed fish were mostly quiet .
他们发现, 营养 充足的那 部分鱼一般都是 不 发出声音的。
Brookhart was a large well-FED ponderous and cautious corporation lawyer .
They were given their own blankets and burial food to keep them warm and well-fed during the afterlife .
狗死后, 科里巴亚人在埋葬它们时会放上毯子和食物,以保证它们在 另一个世界 里“ 衣食无忧”。
He was in some kind of business and from the look of him he seemed to be prosperous well-fed .
他经营着某种生意,从外表看,他似乎 家境富裕, 营养 充足。
Alternatively and more elegantly I could hand over bread only to those people who give me a signal that a well-fed con man would not be willing to give .
换种 做法(这种 做法也更绅士一些),如果有人会向我 发出 衣食无忧的骗子不愿发出的信号,我可以把面包只交给这些人。
They used a computerized system to monitor over time the position of starved or well-fed flies as the flies circled around a droplet of apple cider vinegar which served as a delectable food source .
他们采用一套电脑系统对 处在 饱 足或饥饿状态的果蝇在美味食物资源&一滴苹果醋周围的位置随时间的变化进行监测。
So by protecting ourselves we 're also ensuring that salmonella stay well-fed .
也就是说,我们在保护自身的同时, 沙门氏菌也得到了 很 好 的 滋养。
The prosperity and flourishing of a society presupposes that its people be well-fed and well-clothed .
一个社会的繁荣昌盛是以 丰衣足食为前提的。
Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity nothing exceeds the criticisms made of the habits of the poor by the well-housed well-warmed and well-fed .
人性中所有荒谬的傲慢里,没什么能超过来自拥有豪宅,温暖和 美食的人对穷人的指责。