


  • The reserve bank meanwhile seems well-disposed to an exuberant mining sector if it offsets weakness elsewhere .

    与此同时, 澳大利亚 央行(reservebank)似乎非常 欢迎采矿业的蓬勃 发展,只要它可以弥补其它领域的 一蹶不振

  • Mr Brown has so far given few clues about his beliefs in foreign policy beyond the fact that he is a Eurosceptic well-disposed to America .

    布郎先生是一位具有美国 情节的欧盟怀疑论者。目前他很少 坦露超出他 上述 立场的外交主张。

  • On the basis of magnetic-electric geophone 's characters we design a new magnetic annulus style geophone which can get a well-disposed wider magnetic field to make a great effect .

    从研究磁电式检波器的特性出发,拓宽地震检波器的研究思路,研究了一种新型的 磁环式地震检波器。

  • Mastering excellent trading habits is not tranquil but those who are well-disposed and longing to get sport will find out it extraordinarily rewarding .

    掌握良好的交易习惯并不太平,但这些谁得到 适当 处理,并渴望得到体育界将它找到了非常有价值的。

  • Our people are well-disposed to each other and there is broad space for subnational cultural and people-to-people exchanges and cooperation .

    中美人民彼此 怀有 良好 感情,两国地方、人文交流与合作空间广阔。

  • I should be very sorry to admit that a robust and well-disposed young man is driven to despair .

    如果承认一个精力充沛, 用心 善良的年轻人不得不失望的 ,那我感到太遗憾了。