wheel center

[hwil ˈsɛntɚ][hwi:l ˈsentə]


  • The geometric relationship of previous wheel the steady-state sideslip angle and the three typical four-wheel steering center were elected as control objectives for the constraint .

    前轮几何关系、稳态质心侧偏角、三种典型四轮转向 中心为约束的控制目标。

  • Study of low-temperature material for wheel center of type O ′ ZBEKISTON locomotive

    O′ZBEKISTON型机车 低温材料的试验开发

  • When a center wheel is non-adjustable and another center wheel is the inputting part in certain condition the plus planetary mechanism of 2K-H style has the self-locking characteristic .

    2K-H型正号行星机构在一中心 固定、另一 中心论输入、转臂输出时,一定条件下具有自锁的功能。

  • Study on Measurement of Flank Topography of Worm Wheel with CNC Gear Measuring Center

    基于CNC齿轮测量 中心 蜗轮齿侧形貌测量研究

  • Disc wheel for steel wire needle sharpening depressed center wheels with fabric reinforcement

    磨钢丝针用薄片砂轮纤维增强 砂轮

  • These formulas yield the normal force on each wheel as functions of the wheel geometry number of wheels mass of the robot and height of the center of gravity .

    机器人在各个轮子上的重力分量是机器人的结构和 轮子布局参数、质量、加速度、 重心高度的函数;

  • The introduction is the strong and straight cone the wheel gear pare away to process the inside whetting center the bore whetting the inside bore in the strong wheel gear .

    介绍在硬齿面直齿锥 齿轮刮削加工中研 中心孔磨内孔的技术要求;机床调整,切削速度,刮削量及次数的选择。

  • CNC gear measuring center is one kind of high accuracy and high efficiency coordinate measuring instrument . The research on the shape error measure and evaluation of the complex components with CNC gear wheel measuring center has important theory significance and economic value .

    CNC 齿轮测量中心是一种高精度、高效率的坐标测量仪,研究其对复杂零件形状误差的测量和评定方法,具有重要的理论意义和经济价值。

  • To get the ministerial standard of wheel and shaft weight distribution the concept of deviation tolerance along the transverse and lognitudinal directions and the thinking of balancing wheel weight with gravity center height are also provided in this thesis .

    同时,为使轮轴重分配达到铁道部颁标准,提出了机车重心纵横两个方向偏离允差的概念,以及利用 重心高度来平衡 重的思想。

  • The major assessment target of steering wheel torque input was obtained by the simulation of steering wheel center location . The error of simulating data compared with the testing data is less then 10 % .

    通过“转向 中间位置的仿真”,得到了转向盘力输入的主要评价指标值,仿真计算与实测结果最大误差在10%以内。

  • Through the wheel bouncing simulation analytic and study the important characteristic of the front suspension such as camber angle wheel rate roll center height provide the improvement of suspension system dynamics performance .

    通过车轮上下跳动仿真,对前悬架的一些重要特性如 车轮外倾角、悬架刚度以及侧倾 中心高等进行仿真分析研究,为悬架系统的动力学性能改进提供帮助。

  • Study on Wheel Center Fluctuation in the Model of in Air cushioned Vehicle of Walking Wheel Type

    步行轮式气垫 车轮 波动问题的探讨

  • The Cllub is adjacent to Ganjiang River and close to the largest Ferris wheel in Asia and lnternational Convention & Exhibition Center .

    它毗邻赣江,与亚洲最大的摩天 近在咫尺,从独树一帜的 欧典建筑到优雅华贵的内部装饰,处处散发尊贵气息。

  • Disciple Wang Hao asked me to write the Averting All Hindrances Mantra in calligraphy and then he made it into a mantra wheel with the Mantra of the Dragon King at its center .

    弟子王浩请我手书遮诸妨碍神咒,然后他将之制作成一个 中心有龙王咒的 咒轮

  • The smashing roller clearance adopts the fore-and-aft wheel acentric type adjustment the roller center adjust agilely and simply .

    压紧辊,压实辊,压紧辊轮粉碎辊间隙采用前后 偏心式调节,辊轮 中心调节灵敏、简单。

  • The effect of change in wheel base position of center of gravity on the vibrational characteristics of wheel type construction machines are analyzed based on vibration theory to provide a referential footing for the selection of these parameters .

    根据振动理论,分析了 轴距质心位置改变对轮式工程机械振动特性的影响,为这此参数的选择提供了一定的参考依据。

  • All wheel hubs in some degree have the quality problems of the uneven mass distribution and the wheel geometrical center does not coincide with mass center .

    轮毂不同程度都会存在质量分布不均匀或质量中心与 轮胎几何 中心不重合的问题,即 轮毂不平衡。

  • Disciple Jing Xing had come up with a card on the one side is my image and on the other side is a mantra wheel of my heart mantra with the Dragon Vase seal at its center .

    弟子敬行作了一张卡片,正面是我的图像,而背面是我心咒的 咒轮环绕著在其 中心的宝瓶印。

  • The transmission wheel driven by the transmission structure and the clamping body are separately fixed at the seat center of the clamping seat through the shaft .

    该夹固座的座体 中央用轴杆分别固定有由传动机构传动的传动 和夹体;

  • A Test Bed for the Deviation of Steering Wheel Angle and the Center Plane of Front-Rear Wheels of Motorcycles ( 1 )

    摩托车转向 转角及前后轮 中心平面偏差测试台(1)

  • Wheel - speed regulating change box Whether in the first case or in the second the center of the convolute bedding is commonly marked by a sand ball and sometimes there is one or a few sluicing holes in the center .

    变速箱, 砂轮变速箱无论是前者、还是后者, 中心多为砂核,有时中心有一个或多个泄水孔。

  • Analysis and Process Solutions of Cracks in the Single Plate Wheel Center

    单辐板 裂纹分析及工艺对策

  • First introduced 3D reconstruction algorithm of point and the straight line then completion of the experiment with tires of different tread vehicle 3D reconstruction of wheel center At different angles when Oblique straight line driving and drawn the absolute error curve .

    首先介绍了点和直线的三维重建算法,然后用轮胎试验完成了不同轮距的汽车,在不同角度斜直线行驶时的 轮毂 中心的三维重建,并分析了绝对误差曲线。

  • The separating plate wheel is arranged above the center of the molding groove and the bottom slag releasing rod is arranged below the molding groove .

    在成型槽 中央的上方装一隔板 ,在成型槽的下方装一底脱渣杆。

  • By toggling a control on the steering wheel the driver can get the big dial in the center of the dashboard to move to the right revealing a flat-screen display that can be customized for two different drivers .

    驾驶者可以拨动方向 上的控制键,将仪表盘 中央的大表盘移到右边,腾出空间来为两类不同的驾驶者定制表盘。