weld flange connection

[wɛld flændʒ kəˈnɛkʃən][weld flændʒ kəˈnekʃən]


  • The second crack is a crack originating at the groove weld toe of the column flange-girder flange connection .

    第二种是产生于立柱 缘与主梁翼 连接处的坡口 焊缝 趾处的裂纹。

  • Improving measures should include : change the nonstructural form of joint remove the notch effect on groove weld in beam flange modify the configuration of sphere corner and strengthen the connection between web and column .

    讨论总结了改进节点设计的途径和改进措施,如:改变节点的构造形式,去除梁 翼缘 焊缝缺口效应,改进扇形切角构造,加强梁腹板与柱的 连接等。