weld metal

[wɛld ˈmɛtl][weld ˈmetl]


  • Effect of laser welding parameters on formation of cold-worked die steel weld metal

    激光焊接参数对冷作模具钢 焊缝 表面 成形的影响

  • Filler rods for gas welding of mild steels and low alloy high tensile steels - Determination of mechanical properties of deposited weld metal

    软钢、低合金高强度钢气焊用焊条-- 堆焊 金属的力学性能的测定

  • Effect of Nb and V in high carbon steel weld metal

    铌和钒在高碳钢质 焊缝 金属中的行为

  • The results show that the addition of Zr increases the content of acicular ferrite and improves the microstructure of weld metal .

    结果表明,锆的加入增加了 焊缝 金属中针状铁素体的含量,改善了 焊缝 金属的微观组织。

  • Secondary acicular ferrite nucleation growth refining the original grain further improve the weld metal toughness .

    二次针状铁素体的形核、长大,进一步细化了原晶粒,提高了 焊缝 金属的韧性。

  • The deposited ferritic weld metal shall not contact the austenitic or high-chromium steel cladding .

    熔敷的铁素体 焊缝 金属不应与奥氏体或高铬钢复层接触。

  • Effect of nickel on solidification cracking in low C low alloy steel weld metal

    镍对低碳低合金钢 焊缝 金属凝固裂纹敏感性的影响

  • Relationship between welding parameter and filling quantity of weld metal in steel bridge welding ;

    悬索桥钢箱梁桥位 焊接施工环境较差,桥 焊接质量、精度控制十分关键。

  • The application of active infrared technology eal-time and on-line weld metal detection

    主动红外技术在实时在线 焊缝检测系统中的应用

  • Addition of activating agent has no obvious effect on fracture toughness of weld metal .

    添加活性剂对 焊缝 金属的断裂韧性没有明显作用。

  • The microstructure of weld metal was analyzed with optical microscope and the morphology of joint fracture was observed by SEM .

    利用光学显微镜观察分析不同参数条件下 接头 区域 金相组织;

  • Superplastic Behavior of Weld Metal by Friction Stir Welding

    搅拌摩擦焊接 焊缝 金属的超塑性行为

  • Difference of impact absorbed energy between butt weld metal and deposited metal

    对接 焊缝 金属和熔敷金属冲击吸收功差异的探讨

  • Fracture toughness of heat-affected zone ( HAZ ) was between the base metal and weld metal .

    焊接热影响区的断裂韧性介于母材和 焊缝 金属之间。

  • In this paper the effect of copper content on the weld metal toughness in SAW of HSLA steels was studied by changing the copper content in welding wire .

    采用埋 弧焊方法,通过改变焊丝铜含量来改变 焊缝 金属中的铜含量,研究铜对高强度低合金钢 焊缝 金属韧性的影响。

  • The amount of the acicular ferrite and hardness of the weld metal increase as Cu content increasing .

    随着 焊缝铜含量的增加,针状铁素体数量增加, 焊缝显微硬度增大。

  • Study on the Effect of Alloy Elements on Hot Cracking Susceptibility of Magnesium Alloy Weld Metal

    合金元素对镁合金 焊缝热裂纹敏感性影响的研究

  • By using multi-layer multi-pass welding weld metal to improve the plasticity grain refinement of the organization .

    通过采用多层多道焊,提高 焊缝 金属的塑性,细化了组织晶粒。

  • It was also found out that proper Re element addition could increase the toughness of the weld metal and improve its microstructure by grain refinement .

    适量的稀土元素可改善 焊缝 金属组织的形态、细化晶粒、提高韧性。

  • The transformation conditions and natures of acicular ferrite in the weld metal of microalloy steels were analyzed systematically .

    系统地分析了微合金钢 焊缝 金属中针状铁素体组织的形成条件及特点,对夹杂物粒径、数量进行了统计分析,并阐述了针状铁素体的形核位置。

  • Use a blast cleaner or power tool to remove weld flux slag weld metal spatters weld flux fume deposits rust and damaged paint film in welded areas .

    通过喷砂或电动工具除去焊渣、飞溅 烟、锈迹和焊接部损坏的漆膜。

  • Weld Reinforcement : Weld metal in excess of the quality required to fill a weld groove .

    超出质量要求的填充焊缝坡口槽所需的 焊缝 金属

  • Research on Organize and Property of Ceramic Phase Strengthening Ferro-base Weld Metal Overlay

    陶瓷相增强铁基耐磨 堆焊层组织与性能的研究

  • To simulate the effect of the defect on performance of steel structure damage evolution law of weld metal must be predefined .

    为了模拟这些缺陷的发展对结构性能的影响,需要知道 焊缝 金属的损伤演化规律。

  • The impact absorbed energy of weld metal is higher under lower weld porosity ratio .

    减少焊缝气孔率可以适当提高 焊缝的冲击韧性。

  • The fracture behaviour of weld metal of ferrite-austenite duplex stainless steel was investigated by constant deformation rate tensile test .

    用恒变形速率拉伸试验方法研究了铁素体奥氏体双相不锈钢 焊缝 金属的断裂行为。

  • A method about improving the crack resistance of weld metal and reducing structure stress during welding process i.e.hammering welds and watered rapid cooling after welding was obtained .

    研究出了提高 焊缝 金属抗裂性能及降低焊接过程结构内应力的工艺方法&焊后捶击焊逢并浇水快速冷却。

  • Influence of the relative width of weld metal and strength of weld metal wes researched .

    研究了 焊缝 金属相对宽度和 焊缝 金属强度对接头性能的影响。

  • Effect of rare earth oxide on microstructure and mechanical properties of weld metal and its mechanism ;

    研究了稀土氧化物对人造 金刚石 使用 寿命的影响。