wideband line

[计] 宽带线路

  • Two kinds of typical wideband signal Line Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal and Hyperbola Frequency Modulation ( HFM ) signal is analyzed qualitatively with WAF . Then the author obtain Doppler tolerant signal and time-scale combine resolution signal .

    宽带模糊度函数为工具对 线性调频信号和双曲调频信号在多径环境中进行了定性的分析,获得了多普勒宽容信号和时延尺度二维联合分辨信号。

  • Then based on the synthesis approach of non-equiripple responses for wideband bandpass filter wideband parallel-coupled line bandpass filters of even number and odd number of transmission poles with non-equiripple responses have been proposed .

    然后基于非等纹响应宽带带通滤波器的综合方法,研究设计了基于平行耦合 线 宽带带通滤波器结构的通带内具有偶数个和奇数个传输极点的非等纹响应 宽带带通滤波器。

  • Study of wideband microstrip transmission line baluns

    宽频 微带传输 线巴伦的研究

  • The planar monopole antennas not only have these merits but also have the properties of wideband low profile and easily connecting to microstrip line feeding network .

    平面单极天线以其结构尺寸小、工作 频带 、全向性能好、 生产制作工艺简单等优点,广泛地应用于无线通信系统中。

  • A 40 μ s Wideband Optical Fiber Delay Line

    40μs 宽带光纤延迟 线

  • KUROSHIO MEANDER AND EL - NInO EVENT Study on Wideband Meander Line Antennas

    黑潮大弯曲与厄尔尼诺 宽带折线天线研究

  • The wideband MIMO channel can be modeled as a tapped delay line and an exponential multipath intensity profile ( MIP ) is assumed .

    假定 宽带MIMO信道可用抽头延迟 线来模拟并具有指数型多径强度轮廓。

  • Mathematic expression of temperature and rate of change of temperature to time at the point ( xO yO zO ) at any time of laser rotating mirror scanning wideband temperature field is developed and traveling-wave method of temperature wave line is put forward .

    提出了温度波 线行波法,并推导出激光转镜扫描 宽带温度场任意时刻点(x0,y0,z0)处的温度和温度对时间变化率的数学表达式。

  • New wideband source number estimation method based on line detection

    基于 直线检测的 宽带信源个数估计新方法

  • A4 ~ 12GHz wideband power amplifier using a balanced configuration with a strip line Lange coupler is designed and fabricated .

    该平衡放大器由一个4指的 微带 兰格耦合器实现。

  • A novel ultra wideband microstrip balun ( balanced to unbalanced transformer ) based on Coplanar Waveguide Ground ( CPWG ) and Coupled Strip Line ( CSL ) is introduced .

    根据接地共面波导和耦合微带 线设计了一类新型超 宽带微带巴伦(平衡/非平衡转换器)。

  • Research on Key Technologies of Wideband Power Line Communication

    宽带电力 线通信关键技术的研究

  • ADSL is one of the modulation techniques . Using the wideband capacity in copper twisted pair cable high speed data can be transmitted on the subscriber line .

    ADSL技术是一种调制技术,在双绞 铜线的两端分别接入ADSL调制解调器,即可利用其 高频 宽带特性传送高速数据。

  • Study on Wideband Meander Line Antennas
