wilful misconduct

[ˈwɪlfəl mɪsˈkɑndʌkt][ˈwɪlfəl mɪsˈkɔndʌkt]


  • It added that those actions which mostly relate to decisions taken by BP and Transocean staff could amount to gross negligence or wilful misconduct .

    起诉书还接着写道,这些行为主要是BP及Transocean员工决定采取的,可能会构成严重过失或 故意 失当 行为

  • They shall be liable to make compensation in the event of losses incurred to the JV Company or the creditors due to their wilful act or gross misconduct .

    故意或者重大 过失给合资公司或者债权人造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。

  • A jury found the airline guilty of wilful misconduct because its lax security allowed a suitcase bomb on to the plane .

    航空公司安保措施漏洞百出,致使一颗放在手提箱里的炸弹被带上了飞机,陪审团因此认定其存在 故意 不当 行为

  • BP acted with wilful misconduct in the lead-up to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill the US government has alleged at the start of the trial over the accident as it pushes for the highest possible penalties and damages .

    美国政府指控英国石油(BP)在2010年墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故发生之前,存在 故意 失当 行为,并争取法庭对BP处以最高数额的罚款和损害赔偿金。

  • Howsoever caused except in the case of Gross Negligence or Wilful Misconduct of any of the other Parties .

    无论怎样,引起的除非严重疏忽或 故意 不当 行为的任何其他缔约方的情况下。