wideband transmission

[计] 宽带传输

  • Because of its ultra wideband channel the transmission data rate of UWB can be as high as 500 Mb / s which is much faster than other short range communication systems .

    UWB由于采用超 宽带信道技术, 传输速率可高达500Mb/s,是其他短距离无线通信系统无法比拟的。

  • Analysis of Ultra Wideband Transmission Performance System Based on Chirp Spread Spectrum

    基于Chirp扩频的超 宽带 信号 传输性能分析

  • Then based on the synthesis approach of non-equiripple responses for wideband bandpass filter wideband parallel-coupled line bandpass filters of even number and odd number of transmission poles with non-equiripple responses have been proposed .

    然后基于非等纹响应宽带带通滤波器的综合方法,研究设计了基于平行耦合线 宽带带通滤波器结构的通带内具有偶数个和奇数个 传输极点的非等纹响应 宽带带通滤波器。

  • In order to satisfy the increasing needs for wideband wireless communication we have to develop new transmission technology provide different service with more wireless band .

    为了满足日益增长的 宽带无线通信的巨大需求,根据香农信息理论,人们不断开发新的高频谱效率的 传输技术,利用更多的频段来提供各种业务。

  • With the development of the aviation terrace the demands for wideband ground-air communications are rapidly increasing . It is an urgent and important task to build several data transmission links to satisfy the requirement of various missions executed by many kinds of aviation terraces .

    随着航空平台的不断发展, 宽带地空通信的需求迅速增长,建立多种数据 传输链路来满足各种不同的航空平台执行不同任务的需求,是一项迫在眉睫的重要任务。

  • DTV transmission is a kind of wideband and high data rate transmission so the development of its theory and implementation will impel the development of next generation wireless communication technology .

    数字电视传输是一种 宽带高数据率的 传输,因此它的理论的完善和实现对未来无线通信技术的发展有很大的推动作用。

  • The paper introduces the functions of using the wire television wideband integrated with HFC network as the transmission network for intelligent residence district . The functions contain wire television CATV video demand VOD computer network prevention of burglary urgency call and information inquiring .

    介绍了采用有线电视 宽带综合HFC网络作为智能化小区的 传输网,可以实现有线电视CATV、视频点播(VOD),计算机网络、室内防盗、紧急求助和信息查询等功能。

  • In contrast to ATM network transmission link which is characterized by wideband low bit error rate and high transmission bite rate wireless link technologies can provide limited bandwidth unreliable transmission channel with high bit error rate .

    ATM传输和交换以 宽带、低误码率和高 传输速率的传输介质为前提,可以提供多媒体服务和广泛的信息接入。而无线信道的传输特点是带宽受限、信道传输质量差和传输误码率高。

  • It also analyzes some inherent disadvantages of the conventional narrowband tactical C ~ 3I system . With the mature use of several kinds of wideband transmission and switching technologies it will come into a development climax to construct tactical command post based on wideband communication technology .

    并对传统的窄带(NB)战术指挥自动化系统的一些固有缺点进行了分析,随着各种 宽带WB传输与交换技术的成熟运用,基于宽带通信技术的战术指挥所建设将进入一个发展高潮。

  • Private Wireless Communications System based on wideband multi_media network need to meet the request of speech dispatch monitoring as well as video transmission .

    宽带多媒体的专用无线通信系统,要求同时具备双向语音调度指挥、过程监控、图像 传输等功能。

  • Proposes a variable rate modulation scheme for wideband data transmission on the Rayleigh fading channel to improve the spectral efficiency .

    探讨了 宽带移动通信 传播环境中,瑞利衰落信道对固定速率调制的影响,并研究了变速率调制在宽带瑞利衰落信道中的可行性。

  • The design target of the next generation wireless communication system is to implement wideband and high-speed data transmission in high-speed mobile environment .

    下一代无线通信系统设计的目标是在高速移动环境下实现 宽带的、高速的数据 传输

  • This paper discusses a Ku wideband land mobile satellite multimedia transmission system .

    介绍了一种 宽带Ku频段地面移动卫星多媒体 传输系统。

  • Wideband network systems protocol stack includes physical layer data link layer network layer and application layer . The data link layer mainly completes multiple access priority queues data segmentation and reassembly reliable transmission and other functions .

    宽带网络系统协议栈分为物理层、数据链路层、网络层以及应用层,数据链路层主要完成多址接入、优先级队列、数据分段及重组、可靠 传输等功能。

  • Aim To improve the performance of layered space-time coding ( LSTC ) for wideband downlink transmission .

    目的提高无线 宽带下行 传输中分层空时编码的性能。

  • This paper introduces superiority of ATM and SDH wideband transmission system . It discusses advantage of ATM and SDH and ATM / SDH wideband information network .

    论述ATM技术在SDH上实现 宽带 传输,讨论了ATM技术和SDH技术的优点,以及ATM/SDH技术建立宽带信息网的方案及其优势。

  • Because the wideband HFC has a better capability of transmission and anti-jamming it is fit to deliver bidirectional digital signals at present it has been the international developmental mainstream of CATV .

    宽带HFC网络由于具有 传输容量大、抗干扰性好以及适于双向传输数字传输等特点已经成为目前国内外有线电视网络发展的主流。

  • A practical wideband correlation processing was proposed for ultra-wideband ground-penetrating radar ( UWB GPR ) . The signal model of UWB GPR was built based on the mechanism of signal transmission which shows the effect from multi-frequency component to target wave and wideband correlation processing .

    基于探地雷达信号 传输机理,建立了超 宽带探地雷达宽带回波模型,揭示了多谱分量对目标回波及宽相关处理方法的影响。

  • In future mobile communication system the high transmission rate determines the choice of wideband transmission .

    未来移动通信系统中,高速率的 数据传输决定了 宽带 传输的必要性。

  • The Technique of ATM Realizes Wideband Transmission in SDH

    ATM技术在SDH上实现 宽带 传输

  • The paper uses the wideband linear frequency modulation signal to measure the transport time of the signal . And with the receiver and transmitter this system realized reception and transmission of the wideband linear frequency modulation signal .

    在该系统中,采用了 宽带线性调频信号进行时间的测量,并在应答器上实现了宽带线性调频信号的接收和 发射

  • Research of a Wideband Transmission / Receive Antenna Assemble

    一种 宽带 /发天线组件的工程研究

  • Next the characteristics of the non-zero dispersion optical fiber for wideband transmission dispersion compensating optical fiber water-free pure silica core optical fiber broad wavelength window multimode fiber and plastic optical fiber briefly .

    其次,介绍了 宽带传输非零色散位移单模光纤、色散补偿单模光纤、无水峰纯硅芯非色散位移单模光纤、宽工作波长多模光纤和塑料光纤等最新光纤特点和性能指标。

  • Study of wideband microstrip transmission line baluns

    宽频 微带 传输线巴伦的研究

  • This paper reports on the study of the interference effects from 2 types of ultra wideband ( UWB ) sources on a QPSK transmission system by simulation .

    本文通过计算机仿真,研究了两种超 宽带信号对QPSK方式的窄带 传输系统得干扰影响。